ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

so ive been searching around for shoes for longboarding in, because my shoes are only lasting me weeks before they are destroyed.

so here are my options.

ive got some rubber sole thing im putting on my shoes but just need some advice on which shoe would be best for it.

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Merrick Wildash said:
Nothing will ever beat a Vans Halfcab!

that's what i thought!
until i came across skate adidas superstars....
if only dekline still had those awesome shoes!!!

Merrick Wildash said:
Na. I ran them in Europe, they were ok. but Vans are the shit when you can get them mega cheap.. like $30 cheap :) :)

stephen.mhsrider said:

vans are like REALLY good sliding freeride wheels
they are awesome while they last...which isn't long
Merrick Wildash said:
Nothing will ever beat a Vans Halfcab!

that's what i thought!
until i came across skate adidas superstars....

Merrick Wildash said:
Na. I ran them in Europe, they were ok. but Vans are the shit when you can get them mega cheap.. like $30 cheap :) :)

stephen.mhsrider said:

Merrick Wildash said:
Nothing will ever beat a Vans Halfcab!

that's what i thought!
until i came across skate adidas superstars....
I use nike SB's for skating and they are perfect for my broad short feet. =S

the leather ones last pretty well and the soles don't wear too quick either =]

Dale said:
Yeah, i've got nike S.B's...or 6.0's I can't remember, I hate them, they kill my feet because I have a fat foot and they're a skinny fault I spose but yeah. Now I skate in my half cabs.
i'd go to some discount spot, pick up some last season globes for literally nothing and attach a sole from hop or ado etc...that'd be my suggestion...literally, go hunt out a bargain.
gotta agree with dale and merrick, even though the soles dont last long, halfcabs are just awesome for board feel and comfort.
if i am adding a break sole i use vollys because they are cheap and flexy so when i add the sole its not to stiff then. for freeriding or anything else half cabs are the shit, i have been riding some sorta mid cut vans that i got cheap and they where cool too, if you can track down some TNT half caps they are where its at fullstop, think a half cap thats is denim and leather so it holds up to abuse alot better and looks rad
just buy a tube of shoe goo, go fucking nuts, then stand on somthing flexy!....wait...thats not right....

vans rock for feel but there quilaty DIVED in the last couple of years drasticly... so, hunt down some older ones, or old visions!! guys on charliedontskate randomlyt have New old stock every now and then, thats where i got them green Alva halfcabs iv been wearing. $50's a pop so i bought two, once the sole goes its time for the above, shoogoo and tire rubber...

anyway im going to do my over due english SAC, good luck with zee footwears jason
Lemon Out!
i love skating in connie allstars, i agree they get shredded when you fall off, when i got holes i put duct tape on both sides of the hole, better then ever.

i love them because they feel awesome on a deck, you could feel the deck and the concave through them, i have some shoes now which i am riding to try get used to something durable for newton's which doesn't feel as good on the deck, so, i dunno it's up to you, where you gain in strength and durability you lose in board comfort i think.

well that's my opinion anyway. :)
I ride vans, awesome for $40.

I wear out the sole in about 4 months though, of not very heavy foot breaking, need to cut me some car tyre at some point, just takes soo much effort to do.

But vans, are awesome, just, usually a little over-priced...
i've had a few sets of halfcabs, great shoe, but the last few sets have been a bit shit, like falling appart shit, maybe canberra got a bad batch... a few of my mates have had the same thing happen to their recently bought halfcabs....anyone else come across this?

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