ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Im a Junior slalom skater and i wanted to get into DH. I was wondering what type of board do i need and gear i need to use. also how much it costs. cheers.

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How do you make gloves, like how do you put the puck onto the glove?
Learn to slow down and be able to stop quickly before you learn to go fast!
This is so important if you like living a healthy and physicly normal life.
Get the basics down and solid. You want to be able to throw out a foot brake or drop down into an emergency safety slide instantly.
Practice the shit out of footbraking with your rear foot and start out by just gliding around on flatlands on your front foot only. You need to be able to maintain total balance on your front foot. Remember, when you foot brake, it's the board you're riding not the ground. The hardest part is getting back on the board during a brake so try not to come to a complete stop. Start slow then build up your speed as you get better.
that response by hop was undoubtedly the greatest piece of writing i have ever seen on a forum. he just completely earned my respect.
just on a side not if your looking for your first DH deck and your not too heavy have to say that if your looking for a lowered deck go the omni drop 43 any day, its a really fun deck to slide and drift and will hold any speed your going to be able to take it up to on 50deg trucks.
bought my first deck from the hop shop last week, not only do they have a bunch of boards set up for you to try, but the knowledge of all the staff, advice and time they take with you is, well, it's just like Hop's reply!
Cheers mate great help

SteveC said:
Downhill requires a stiff board with a 31 to 35 inch wheelbase.
A helmet and slide-gloves are an absolute must.

There's a massive list of boards to pick from and I'd do your best to get your feet on a few before you drop cash, as they're a very personal thing.

As a general rule though...
lower boards are more stable, grip less, but slide more predictably.
Higher boards are more agile, grip more, tend to be harder to control drifting.

Boards should fit the rider's stance. you can adjust turn with the trucks instead.
Shorter boards can be run with lower axis trucks, longer with higher. etc.

Things like leathers aren't 100% necessary, but they are good when things go wrong.

Read this.
it's just about everything I know about trucks.
get that chopping board and put it on the glove then get a torch or oxey and melt it on.

Jono said:
How do you make gloves, like how do you put the puck onto the glove?
i would suggest super glue after i tryed the melting of the chopping board, it didnt quite work for me so i try super glue, it works alot better.

Jay Capellari said:
get that chopping board and put it on the glove then get a torch or oxey and melt it on.

Jono said:
How do you make gloves, like how do you put the puck onto the glove?
Use quikgrip for slide gloves read the instructions properly this is a must if you want it to work but when i does aint nothin gonna pull those babies apart
pfft, i just used an old cutting board, cut out a puck, and used some velcro from kmart in the is it "habadashery" section "the knitting section"
lasted well so far on my mums old leather gardening gloves
get a second hand board wheels so on get helmet and slide glove look at the omni drop or the sectornine bullet if you want one new s9 330 omni drop 340 personally the omni drop
stop clogging up the forums seriously. every second discussion has you commenting. and the comments make no sense half the time, and would be no help.

also, no one even thinks or cares about these 6 month old discussions.

you are like yeh get a second hand board and yeh. like slide gloves yeh. yeh.

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