ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

So i had a slight stack the other day and i can see the laminating is starting to come off my helly. Does anyone know any other nose guards apart from the bombsquad ones that would fit. If not is there anybody that sells the bombsquad ones to save me getting it from America?

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If you're serious about protecting your board you won't mind how it looks.
Anything that isn't metal and is flush with the board is simply gonna tranfer the shock staight into your deck anyway. I've tried oldskool powell nosebones and the offer little protection to a decent gutter slam.

Jay Capellari said:
yer but I dont want a bull bar on the front of my board.
I thought about Jacko's idea before for my Hellcat, but I haven't got around to doing it. Maybe put some cushioning in between the board and the hose as well, should do the job. Or, get the armpit cushion things from the top of crutches, chemists seem to sell them, and cut that so it fits well and glue it on. It already has a concave because it is built to wrap around something. Or get some neoprene rubber typre stuff from Clarkes, and then kind of do what the guy with the bull-bar nose-guard did, but it wont look as huge. Having it stick out a bit like that is probably useful because it takes some of the shock before the actual deck hits the whatever it is hitting.

Anyway...I'm still too lazy to make one ATM haha, if I ever get around to it, I'll post up some photos.
You can fill the hose with silicone gel. Clear hose looks tidy. The silicone will glue it in place aswell.
I've seen wayne's d-seed. Doesn't look as crazy OTT in the pics. =]

put that bumper on your board and you can take on small cars. :p
waynes D-Seed is great, its is really solid protection and dont look that bad to be honest, if i rode a Dseed or helcat i would be having one on the front of my deck
i'm pretty sure door hinges word aswell, you buy a full hinge, hammer the pin out of it then bolt it down so the loops hang over the edge of your board and mangle on impact, not sure how well they work though.
trying to visualise this... I like the sound of it... you go caveman on that hinge

Dale said:
i'm pretty sure door hinges word aswell, you buy a full hinge, hammer the pin out of it then bolt it down so the loops hang over the edge of your board and mangle on impact, not sure how well they work though.

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