ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

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DA BEAR's Friends

  • Ben Robinson
  • Daniel Monaghan
  • jamie sheahan
  • Danyon Reinbold
  • Dexter Cairns
  • Rainer
  • Connor Ferguson
  • Jono
  • Billy
  • Harvey Martinez
  • will garner
  • Cameron Wilson
  • Pete Johnston
  • Boris
  • Hammer

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DA BEAR's Discussions

What Jacko did Sunday!
9 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by beet Nov 17, 2011.

2 Thumbs up for Owen
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Owen May 3, 2011.

Paris & Kookys compatable? (the guide says yes).
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bugs Jun 18, 2010.


DA BEAR's Page

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What type of racing do you like?
Slalom, Downhill, Ditch

Comment Wall (72 comments)

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At 11:01 on May 21, 2012, Aaldert VanDenBerg said…

Yeah that sounds like the same as what I was thinking. You just don't get enough speed starting at the top. I was also thinking we could change it around for the second run. I'll see you on Sunday and we can talk about all the details. 

At 22:29 on May 9, 2012, Cents said…

Surf keys work in Indeesz- they make them very responsive but twitchy at speed. 

At 20:50 on March 7, 2011, Ben Shane said…
Mr. Bear, where did you buy those plastic washers? :D
At 17:35 on March 6, 2011, Leif Von Alexander Erikson said…
Hey Bear
Fendy told me you have some kookies up for sale
and im keen to buy them
text me on 0448449713
At 14:42 on February 1, 2011, Adrian Alderson said…
No worries mate, I was just having a go. No chance of shipping one before next week anyway!!!
At 9:40 on January 28, 2011, Jason Beard said…
I saw an old thread and you were asking about trucks, did you find the answer you were looking for. just interested that is all. also do you do gs slalom and do you have a recomended setup for that. The reason for asking is that i am a bigger rider (older as well) and doing a bit of research.
At 10:05 on January 15, 2011, Bozac said…
I notice you are shopping around for some foamcore action, can't wait for chc 2011. Might have to start practicing now to keep up with you and gain some ground on judge haha. If ado has some good prices on pavels I probably won't be able to say no to a gunner model, just gotta offload some excess skate gear to justify the purchase. Catch up soon mate
At 14:05 on January 1, 2011, john the pom said…
hey Bear its john the pom will sort out photo over the next couple of days
At 16:21 on December 24, 2010, Billy said…

Hey Wayne. Thanks for the wheels and trucks. They are great! Great doing business with you.


At 18:30 on December 17, 2010, Ryan Pugh said…

pics will be up soon DA BEAR



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