ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Montacute becomes a road surfers paradise

STOP: Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons wants
signs up discouraging road surfing in Montacute.

DAREDEVIL teens on skateboards are illegally road surfing down steep main roads at Montacute, putting their lives and those of motorists at risk.

Hills Fleurieu Police have stepped up patrols of Montacute and Corkscrew roads, having already reported one teenager on an oversized skateboard two weeks ago.

Police traffic manager Sergeant Brian Schmidt said road surfing was “very dangerous and potentially disastrous”.

Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons called for No Skateboarding signs to be erected on the roads after several locals complained to her about the danger.

“Already there have been some near misses, which is why it was brought to my attention,” she told the East Torrens Messenger.

“One particular person was driving up the hill when one of the kids was coming down and this person was forced to slam on their breaks and swerve to miss the kid.”

According to Australia road rules, it is illegal to ride a skateboard on major roads with a continuous or broken centre-line or dividing strip or on roads divided into marked lanes for traffic going in the same direction.

Ms Simmons said the potential for a serious accident was “extremely high” because the skateboarders, who often came down the hill crouched or lying on their boards, often used the middle of the road.

“These roads have lots of twists and turns which makes them really popular for this kind of thing, but it also means cars cannot see the skateboarders coming down the hill. Apparently lying down is the brave thing to do, because you can’t stop very easily.

“It’s so dangerous it’s not what the roads were designed for.”

Ms Simmons has called for road signs in a letter to Road Safety Minister Michael O’Brien, who said he’d referred the matter to his department for further advice.

“This type of unsafe activity on the open road is extremely dangerous, not only to the skateboarders travelling at relatively high speeds, but also to the motorists using these roads,” Mr O’Brien said.

Residents who see skateboards being ridden illegally should ring the police on 131444.

Feel free to post a comment on their website: East Torrens Messenger

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ahahahahaha. well the road rules say no skating on a road with a speed limit of over 50kph. It doens't say anything about hitting 80kph on a 50kph road. well that applies to all suburban streets.

Michael English said:
"skateboarders, who often came down the hill crouched or lying on their boards"... "Apparently lying down is the brave thing to do, because you can’t stop very easily." These guys must have alot of spare time... i think they should get a board and get their "crouch" nice and airodynamic... of maby if they are feeling ballsy they could lay down!!! im not sure if they will be able to stop.

Seriously... they dont even get points for trying. It doesnt look like they have
On "oversized skateboards" sometime "crouching or lying down", because apparently "lying down is the brave thing to do".
Dylan Danger Batty said:
wtf is road surfing?

its when you grab your surfboard and ride around on the roads on them... duh. all the cool kids are doing it these days
i'd rather go surf some 'tang
why are they gonna put up no skateboarding signs when we are obviously road surfing
these road surfing hooligans should be stopped, what do these oversized skateboards have to with road surfing anyway...
whoever wrote this needs a bullet.
its dark outside, im going for a skate
well im writing a letter to the mp about the ill informed article and to express my views i myself have been skating this hill for a long time and i have never had a problem with cars its not a busy road i think old people see young people having fun and get slightly jealous because theyre not spring chickens anymore and if they cant have fun why should we i seriously think thats the problem, why do they care about our safety i dont know them, there needs to be more recreational activity for the elderly
cant wait till they put those signs up so i can smear pooh on em, may sound disgusting but its just the right thing to do
rip em down is the right thing to do,if the signs dont exist,you didnt know it was illegal...did u.....road surfing arose from them not having a clue what u were them its road surfing....tell them its a hard hill to paddle into but when u finally do its one awesome ride thats always offshore...and see the looks on there faces........huh
Benbro said:
rip em down is the right thing to do,if the signs dont exist,you didnt know it was illegal...did u.....road surfing arose from them not having a clue what u were them its road surfing....tell them its a hard hill to paddle into but when u finally do its one awesome ride thats always offshore...and see the looks on there faces........huh
haha thats awesome
DA BEAR said:
Great !
Now watch all the Lugers run with with this comment,
its just another excuse not to stand up!


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