ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Just wondering if anyone has heard, seen or riden one of these devices?

It looks pretty gnarly from the few vids that I've seen, fun but way hectic!! Apparently snowboarding wihtout the snow?


Check it out.

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Want to buy mine?

damn it you beat me to it tom!!!


not only do i feel like i wasted my money, they are pretty impractical and are only fun on long hills. i once went for a roll with a few guys in sydney and it seems since then a tonne of guys have joined the sydney crew.


i gave up on selling mine for ebay and decided to gut it and maybe use it as a beer runner.

So they're disgusting??
pretty much....
i can slide better than that without a centre wheel...

No shit, your the Jackson Shapiera.


But yeah it does look like it takes the fun out of sliding. 

Jacko said:

i can slide better than that without a centre wheel...
i rode one, apparently your have to only keep one side of the wheels on the road?
I think you can only have 1 side of the wheels on the ground because of the center wheel

Conrad To said:
i rode one, apparently your have to only keep one side of the wheels on the road?
freebord; catch an edge and die.
bindings + pavement = injury

i rode one for 2 years before getting into longboarding, they are fun as hell, kinda like an everything board..... like they are fun on any sort of terrain besides mellow hills with out foot paths. really fun in the skatepark, really fun on hills really fun fullstop, but the speeds are pretty limited, you can bomb straight with practice (on the two centers) if you like snowboarding you will love one, but i hardly get on mine these days

tend to be slower than a long board due to the fact that you are inclined to slide any turns that you make.



jesus they must be hard work in the skate park! I never even thought to ride them in there.



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