ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Montacute becomes a road surfers paradise

STOP: Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons wants
signs up discouraging road surfing in Montacute.

DAREDEVIL teens on skateboards are illegally road surfing down steep main roads at Montacute, putting their lives and those of motorists at risk.

Hills Fleurieu Police have stepped up patrols of Montacute and Corkscrew roads, having already reported one teenager on an oversized skateboard two weeks ago.

Police traffic manager Sergeant Brian Schmidt said road surfing was “very dangerous and potentially disastrous”.

Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons called for No Skateboarding signs to be erected on the roads after several locals complained to her about the danger.

“Already there have been some near misses, which is why it was brought to my attention,” she told the East Torrens Messenger.

“One particular person was driving up the hill when one of the kids was coming down and this person was forced to slam on their breaks and swerve to miss the kid.”

According to Australia road rules, it is illegal to ride a skateboard on major roads with a continuous or broken centre-line or dividing strip or on roads divided into marked lanes for traffic going in the same direction.

Ms Simmons said the potential for a serious accident was “extremely high” because the skateboarders, who often came down the hill crouched or lying on their boards, often used the middle of the road.

“These roads have lots of twists and turns which makes them really popular for this kind of thing, but it also means cars cannot see the skateboarders coming down the hill. Apparently lying down is the brave thing to do, because you can’t stop very easily.

“It’s so dangerous it’s not what the roads were designed for.”

Ms Simmons has called for road signs in a letter to Road Safety Minister Michael O’Brien, who said he’d referred the matter to his department for further advice.

“This type of unsafe activity on the open road is extremely dangerous, not only to the skateboarders travelling at relatively high speeds, but also to the motorists using these roads,” Mr O’Brien said.

Residents who see skateboards being ridden illegally should ring the police on 131444.

Feel free to post a comment on their website: East Torrens Messenger

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pretty much what needs to be said haggy, Newtons is our saving grace in alot of ways, its a big LEGAL comp with the best in the world being pitted against a bunch of largly un-known local guys on a amazing track, we have a legitimate argument that we should be able to use roads because there are no other facilities for us to use to train for events like Newtons Playground
The government is clearly not responding in a constructive or consistent manner.

What's a constructive response? Driver awareness, proper safety regulations for us, and possibly a tax sponsored track!
Slap on the wrist fines, and complete "banning" will only result in a negative response from the skating community and a total waste of manpower catching "them-bloddy-road-surfers".

Consistency? Alcohol (sorry to demonise alcohol, just for illustration) is one of the leading causes that fills our hospitals. Think poisoning to violence to DUI. There is no IF. There is a clear link between alcohol and harm to life and limb. It is also a 3 billion dollar industry in Australia. People who abuse alcohol are punished with fines or given constructive counselling. Any "fun and (relatively) safe" activity will have problems, and that's why you regulate it and not shelve the whole thing.

Unfortunately the media isn't helping reinforce the anti-social stigma surrounding "the downhill terrors". Furthermore, the so called "voice" and "watchdog" for the people isn't even bothering to get the facts straight before publishing said article.

tsk tsk...

all the best with that letter Mr. Prez =]
Does anyone have that news video yet? Really keen to see it!
Great stuff Haggy!
You are doing us proud man. ;)
does anyone else feel like a rebel, i think that longboarders are more careful on the roads than car drivers.
I was Sitting down at a unit across from the skate park yesterday watching all the kids do there stuff some were pretty good, the one that stood out the most was a kid about 10, he was the only one wearing helmet and pad. Out of about 25 skaters and for a kid he’s age was ripping!

I was just thinking that when i mention that i skate people first think of freestyle skating with the all the tricks and stuff weather it be street or at a park, i then have to explain what it is that i do and when i get the comment that I’m crazy or along those line i tell them i am fully kitted up wearing leathers, gloves and full face helmet, or at least pads and a helmet depending on the run!

My point is that when people think of skating even if its downhill they think of the kids at the skate park who wear no protective gear at all because it is mainstream and fresh in their heads. If no one is there to correct them that’s what they keep on thinking.

Now as it's been said any Publicity is good, what we can do with that is make sure we are being safe and keep pointing that out every time something like this comes up in the media and gravity sports will start to take it's place in peoples minds.

So the more we skate the more publicity we will get and the more chances we will have to point out that we are safe and we think of the traffic on the road and compensate for it, that we are not just hot head looking for a rush but intelligent thrill seekers who plan out their runs.

Well it gives me a great excuse to bomb more hills, not that it takes much anyways!
I received a reply from MP Simmons today in the mail. As you will see if you read her reply below she encourages discussion between ASRA, police and the local community to get roads closed off so that skaters can train. A pretty great idea I think.

So - Adelaide crew: I suggest you get in touch with your local cops and say that as a member of ASRA you would love to see a road closed for you boys to practice one or two days before Newton's. Call up MP Simmons and ask for her help. You never know, she may get behind you. I'm happy to assist in any way possible, make calls for you guys, etc.


yeh that sounds positive..,again great work haggy...south oz crew get on this,you may actually be the first state to have some legally allowed freeriding and we can all fly down and sess it with you...what a wonderful cops,no cars,no guilt...
My reply to MP Simmons this afternoon:

26 October 2009

MP L A Simmons
Member for Morialta
163 St Bernards road
Rostrevor SA 5073

By Email:

Dear Ms Simmons,

Re: “Road Surfing” in Montacute

Thank you for your prompt and thoughtful reply by letter dated 23 October 2009 in relation to longboarding in South Australia.

The Australian Skateboard Racing Association (ASRA) supports your recommendations for increased communication and cooperation between ASRA and the local community and police. In particular your suggestion to close certain roads to traffic in order to provide safe training locations for is very sensible and, I believe, in the best interest of all parties involved.

I am sorry to hear the details of the near collision; I was not aware of the details of the event. Obviously these are incidents we all wish to avoid. ASRA encourages its members to ride within the parameters of the law and take all safety precautions possible. I do not hesitate to say that the vast majority of our members are highly responsible in their riding and cognisant of the safety of all road users.

With the World Championships coming up in a month I know local Adelaide skateboarders and street lugers would be extremely appreciative of legal access to a proper training road. Adelaide boasts some very talented young skaters who I know will do very well at the World Championships and having safe training facilities would be an additional boost to their efforts.

ASRA will be working closely with Adelaide-based athletes and helping them in their efforts to secure safe training areas. I thank you for your efforts as well and look forward to establishing a strong working rapport going forward.

Yours sincerely,

Hagbarth Strom

President – Australian Skateboard Racing Association
10 Artillery Drive, Manly NSW 2095
0417 499 404
sweet cheers haggy much appreciated dude
wow, thanks heaps Haggy. us Adelaidians have just had a HUGE weekend with Yates and Jacko, so haven't had time to do anything else but skate and sleep. but would definitely be keen to go further with this especially if its Corkscrew Rd we're talking about. its one of the best roads in the country, so we can't let this opportunity slide. i will talk to you about it soon Haggy.
yeah cork screw would be sick i aint goin to bathurst but i do wanna practice that road

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