ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Montacute becomes a road surfers paradise

STOP: Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons wants
signs up discouraging road surfing in Montacute.

DAREDEVIL teens on skateboards are illegally road surfing down steep main roads at Montacute, putting their lives and those of motorists at risk.

Hills Fleurieu Police have stepped up patrols of Montacute and Corkscrew roads, having already reported one teenager on an oversized skateboard two weeks ago.

Police traffic manager Sergeant Brian Schmidt said road surfing was “very dangerous and potentially disastrous”.

Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons called for No Skateboarding signs to be erected on the roads after several locals complained to her about the danger.

“Already there have been some near misses, which is why it was brought to my attention,” she told the East Torrens Messenger.

“One particular person was driving up the hill when one of the kids was coming down and this person was forced to slam on their breaks and swerve to miss the kid.”

According to Australia road rules, it is illegal to ride a skateboard on major roads with a continuous or broken centre-line or dividing strip or on roads divided into marked lanes for traffic going in the same direction.

Ms Simmons said the potential for a serious accident was “extremely high” because the skateboarders, who often came down the hill crouched or lying on their boards, often used the middle of the road.

“These roads have lots of twists and turns which makes them really popular for this kind of thing, but it also means cars cannot see the skateboarders coming down the hill. Apparently lying down is the brave thing to do, because you can’t stop very easily.

“It’s so dangerous it’s not what the roads were designed for.”

Ms Simmons has called for road signs in a letter to Road Safety Minister Michael O’Brien, who said he’d referred the matter to his department for further advice.

“This type of unsafe activity on the open road is extremely dangerous, not only to the skateboarders travelling at relatively high speeds, but also to the motorists using these roads,” Mr O’Brien said.

Residents who see skateboards being ridden illegally should ring the police on 131444.

Feel free to post a comment on their website: East Torrens Messenger

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im not clever enough to link this to ning so check this page and press play

"everybody's going crazy with the skateboard craze"
I have always wanted a skate related road sign on my wall, give you 30 bucks to send it my way ahahah.
put a sign up on that corner she is standing at...

but seriously, you should avoid giving the cops shit...
you guys are a MENACE!!!

That MP wants to teach you a lesson Andre. Shes got a well equiped dungeon with lots of whips and chains for naughty boys like you.

If I saw you guys coming down the hill,... Id have to slam on the brakes HARD!
Damn road surfers!
Why dont you get a car and be normal like everybody else? :D
Brad i like your idea
and it would only have taken her ten minutes to Google some FACTS so she'd have some credibility to make the world a safer place.

Banning "road surfing" outright because it CAN be dangerous is such a FAIL logic. By that reasoning, we should BAN cars, bikes, motorbikes etc...

Do something useful e.g. : ensuring proper safety equipment is worn.. (which we all do.. riiighhtt?)

btw.. nice pic.. can totally see why shes a Ms.

btw.. googled road surfing: it is REAL guys... haha
the saddest part about that fact is that layne rides for them, what have you done layne? why this gimiky piece of shit?

Ben Shane said:
and it would only have taken her ten minutes to Google some FACTS so she'd have some credibility to make the world a safer place.

Banning "road surfing" outright because it CAN be dangerous is such a FAIL logic. By that reasoning, we should BAN cars, bikes, motorbikes etc...

Do something useful e.g. : ensuring proper safety equipment is worn.. (which we all do.. riiighhtt?)

btw.. nice pic.. can totally see why shes a Ms.

btw.. googled road surfing: it is REAL guys... haha
look at that ladys face , shes just posing , she dosent give a shit about skateboarders , face it shes just trying to look good to the residents to get voted back in . plain and simple.....
I would love to see (looked can't find one) an editorial from the US in the 50's and 60's complaining about skateboarding; just to compare this with it, it's almost as though this laying down standing up road surfing thing is shiny and new. Watch out you daredevil two wheel balancing riding folk you could be next to get those things banned, now what are those unstable hard to balance two wheeled things called....bikes that's it I know someone who's seen them racing through the streets
The government will do anything to appease cyclists ,seriously do not piss them off. They are probably the most influential sporting association in Australia and could actively pursue any issue that takes their fancy concerning road rules.

Aych said:
I would love to see (looked can't find one) an editorial from the US in the 50's and 60's complaining about skateboarding; just to compare this with it, it's almost as though this laying down standing up road surfing thing is shiny and new. Watch out you daredevil two wheel balancing riding folk you could be next to get those things banned, now what are those unstable hard to balance two wheeled things called....bikes that's it I know someone who's seen them racing through the streets
Gai - what a ripper!
rad video

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