ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

yeah. what are some decent cheaper alternatives to 4 pres or in heats??


Tags: alternative, cheap, otang, wheel

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there is no alternative to otangs... none at all

- jacko on steves computer
Okay back to the wheels....
new classic bigs and zig zags are a rad alternative they have the same slide as otangs and last a little longer...
cre8ive sk8 has em in stock
wow, sorry guys, i guess that i have had a lot of false research and havent looked far enough, sorry for the hate...
ask daddow about the thing.....

Merrick Wildash said:
how many local sponsorships do they have - 3 or 4 downhill and a big park vert team
how many local events have they been to and helped out.. Tony showed up at my event with over $1000 worth of stuff.
how many steve daddows have they brutally ripped off??? ( only 1) - I don't understand this comment..
how many other stores that are trying to make it off in aus have they boycotted with their 10% off thing.. I woundn't think that many because a lot of dudes suppor there local, its only the big price differences that is to matter.. But hey cheaper is good :)
yea, really supportive id say............ Tony and crew are ok..
thats 10% off what hopkin sells otangs for....
Matthys said:
on another note, voodoo sells wheels for cheap, inheats 85, 4pres 80, and zigs in the same range........

Phil Bartlett said:
you do realise that board shop supports ASRA I hope
zig zags not big zigs! 80a (lime) zig zags slide like a dream and grip like a bitch! best wheels. and are around the same price as a 4 prez and the same mm.

classic big and zig zags 81a mate...a whole new ball game slide like otangs nice and smooth...

lewis capellari said:
zig zags not big zigs! 80a (lime) zig zags slide like a dream and grip like a bitch! best wheels. and are around the same price as a 4 prez and the same mm.
holy crap leeso!!!!!!!!
this is going to be epic!!!!!!!
cant wait for those

leeso said:

classic big and zig zags 81a mate...a whole new ball game slide like otangs nice and smooth...

lewis capellari said:
zig zags not big zigs! 80a (lime) zig zags slide like a dream and grip like a bitch! best wheels. and are around the same price as a 4 prez and the same mm.
Ash had some of them on the weekend!
They look mad!
fuck i hope they pay you good leeso cause if you can put up another awesome vid of you slashing on classic thane bigs i will buy a set!! have money and will spend. just hope they dont sell out first, lol.

by the way leeso abec11 couldnt organise a root in a brothell, I still dont have my classic freerides. so suck my dick abec11, (serves me right for not going through an aussie shop).

Matthys said:
holy crap leeso!!!!!!!!
this is going to be epic!!!!!!!
cant wait for those

leeso said:

classic big and zig zags 81a mate...a whole new ball game slide like otangs nice and smooth...

lewis capellari said:
zig zags not big zigs! 80a (lime) zig zags slide like a dream and grip like a bitch! best wheels. and are around the same price as a 4 prez and the same mm.
yeah mate ado woulda had em on your door step the next day...he's still got some on stock,,stand by for video

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