ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Forget w cave, forget pleasure dome! You won’t need those with this deck. Featuring Duel rocker ™ and Garden of Eden pockets ™  this dropthrough freeride deck is taking freeride boards to the next level.

Longitudinally super stiff thanks to uniaxial carbon fibre with just a hint of torsional twist to aid the initial breakout of the wheels during slides.

This is a handcrafted road weapon using only quality materials. Constructed with double bias fibreglass and uniaxial carbon fibre sandwiched between 4 layers of ply.

Step into the pockets and each one of your feet will feel something special, something unique, a little bit of paradise. They will feel locked in, more locked in than a loser on Who wants to be a millionaire!


Ok I’ll stop now.


The idea for this deck has been floating round my head for about a year now and finally I have the skills to be able to build it.



Length                         41 1/2” or 105cm

Width                          10 1/4” or 26cm

Centre width               9” or 23cm

WB                              32” or 81.5cm

Drop                            5/8” or 14mm

Concave                      ½” or 12- 14mm


This thing is going to be perfect for stand up slides, general freeriding and even serious downhill. It is designed to be versatile. Can also be top mounted for even more options. Designed for 70mm wheels.


Let me know what you think, good or bad? What do you think of the pockets? Any improvements you would make? I want to make this a deck something that people will really dig riding



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i like the idea, its a complete lock in concave, how ever you might need to make a few sizes for dif people cos its not going to work if your stance is too narrow
yea different sizes would be rad! like a garden of eden and a garden of eden mini! if i had the money i would get both
Mate you and I are on the same wavelength in so many ways with this board, it seems we working on the same theory of evolution but in two different places, i would love to sit down and compare notes one day, i like it.

Who cares abort the nose and tail they are not what you stand on????? i think keep it its what makes people look at it and go, Hmmm "Fat P".

Love the logo's
Love the TM's you really trade marke them, PM me if you eva want to compare notes with out public.
I'm a fan of simple shapes and noses, for example i don't like the look of the axes because of the sharp lines, it's a personal preference but yeah, you're right, it doesn't really matter because you're not standing on it.
Its not a dancer dude.
I reckon take it down to 29 ;)

jason treloar said:
i think 37 or 38
Looks nice as! Id get one.
Thanks for feedback guys, The next one will have a shorter wheelbase what that will be exactly I'm not sure. I probably will change the nose tail to something a little more rounded and blunt. Mainly because the point of this one cold be damaged easily

Sean I think your call of a couple sizes might be the way to go. More sizes means more molds which means more work so will have to wait and see.

I am waiting on feedback from Dan on how it rides etc. When I get that then I can go ahead with the mods and see where that takes us.

Thanks for everyones input
well the thing about this cave is its like a snowboard, your feet are not going to move, i imagine this would be an absolute beast for just general shredding, i cant wait till you refine the design and start selling them

Steve said:
Thanks for feedback guys, The next one will have a shorter wheelbase what that will be exactly I'm not sure. I probably will change the nose tail to something a little more rounded and blunt. Mainly because the point of this one cold be damaged easily

Sean I think your call of a couple sizes might be the way to go. More sizes means more molds which means more work so will have to wait and see.

I am waiting on feedback from Dan on how it rides etc. When I get that then I can go ahead with the mods and see where that takes us.

Thanks for everyones input
I would be curious about how easy it is to grip. Have you gripped one yet? Seems like a lot of curves to move around which could cause a lot of air bubbles.
Looks awesome! I would want it to be able to run 75mm wheels...
Dani - you know I never even thought about grip tbh. But if thats the only negative then I think its a small price to pay.

James - I did design it for 70mm but you can probably run 75mm no probs. Next one I will sand out some nice wheel wells to guarantee that 75mm wheels will work.
looks like a great build man, would be amazing to ride! i certainly wouldn't want to get whacked in the ankle with it though!!!

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