ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association



How are you to determine if you are a grommet or not?
There has been ongoing controversy all over my facebook stating so much 5H1T about

- Skill levels

- Age

- How long you've been skating for

- Facial hair and virginity (Probably just someone messing with me there)


How is it determined?
Thanks guys

Tags: Grom, facial, hair, length, not, or, skate, skill

Views: 682

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hahahahhahahahaa at all of that. especiaally the virginity grom.

its pretty much age bro.
Hop calls kelly carter a grom and the dude is shredding it up overseas on a level with the best.
Its not an offensive term most of the time.

Aha if guys are using it as payouts they can't really know what it means either. unless they are just doing it as a joke because they know you don't know.
Theres not really a definitve age or anything where you stop being a grom either. It just means young pretty much. If you're 25 and skating with a bunch of 60 year olds you'll probably still get called a grom. haha

EDIT: It originated from surfing. Just google "urban dictionary grom" and you'll get a shitload of definitions as well.

If you cant grow a decent tache or some chin fuzz you will never get laid, therefore forever remaining a grom.

Here's some inspiration for you

Skater and 2nd placegetter at the beard and mustache world championships Patrick Melcher

What about man groms?

Talking shit on facebook? Probably groms...

If people are constantly calling you a grom, you probably are one.


Leigh Griffiths said ''A grom can't call a grom grom''. I liked that.

When you stop questioning whether you are a grom or not - you have broken the grom-hymen and moved into rad-skater territory.

its how you act mostly,if you act like a grom you are a grom,.

and age,under 18 you are a grom...........its got nothing to do with skill level or how long youve been skating.

and its not an insult,

everyone was a grom once.

And the guys over 18 are just senior groms! Are chicks groms too? ( if they're under 18 )

yep,girls to.................there are definetly senior groms often referred to as manchilds,....

some people never grow up and that is rad,im currently trying to reverse lifes order and return to gromhood,its f---n hard tho,mum wont be in it,

Connor Ferguson said:

And the guys over 18 are just senior groms! Are chicks groms too? ( if they're under 18 )
haha sweet

Benbro said:

yep,girls to.................there are definetly senior groms often referred to as manchilds,....

some people never grow up and that is rad,im currently trying to reverse lifes order and return to gromhood,its f---n hard tho,mum wont be in it,

Connor Ferguson said:

And the guys over 18 are just senior groms! Are chicks groms too? ( if they're under 18 )

Jack - Urbandictionary says grom is 15+

Uzan Whozarmy - Sideburns did the trick to get me the women, Geezus they were deadly. Then I went ahead and got a job to fuel my skating obsession, and the burns had to go. THAT DUDE has the best stache i've ever seen.

Dani - Billy Bott, a 12 year old called me a grom because he's a keyboard warrior. If you get called a grom by a little grom, is that an advancement on their grom-ness?


So many damn factors.


Sideburns & Hymen breaking - Check

Act like a grom - Check

Over 18 - Uncheck.


Thanks for the wise words of gnar-losophy.

hahahahaha good ol' billy!

under 18 = grom

over 18 = not a grom


there is no in between. there are no other words. There are only groms, and real people. that is all

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