ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the crew who live on the gold coast or vegas area heres the pace if your keen for a always looking for new hills and new people to ride with so lets get together and put urethane to bitumen..i kNow your out there

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big bike race at cootha its closed! it has been hell there for the last few weeks lots of punters in lycra practicing riding up the hill

Jamie Gwillim said:
Ride on brothers, sunday session sounds good Leeso what time at Jezzas. We are going to hit up BrisVegas Saturday night for a carpark session, and Sunday morning going out to Cootha but should be back on the coast by 10. Over my fear of cars and keen to get back out on the hills see ya on sunday bro.
sweet as jamie atleast someone wants to skate around here..oh and you too pete..head out to jezzas around 10 or 11 and have a drift to kick it off...yea cootha will be out of action this weekend bro the bike race is on and those fags have taken over the hill.come down the coast and lets see if we can get all the boys to show..
Cheers for the heads up boys, when is it our turn to have Cootha to ourselves damn cyclists. Still gunna hit up brisVegas sat night if anyone is interested should have a spare seat or two. See you all sunday at Jezzas 0434534954
rad session on sunday guys was good to see so many ridders turn up..we are heading out tonight on the coast,pete and ash are coming down and i think ramon is in town so lets get out and show him around..not sure where and when yet just waiting to hear from the boys..gimme a yell if your in 0438669454
hey crew start drumming up crew for the outlaw no skate on the goldy this week car pooling the CHC see you all friday night at the carpark session
well shit dudes the weather gods arent being very kind too us at the moment and it doesnt look like theyre gonna get much not sure how much work ill be doing this week so might try to get out and do some slide training in the rain..pretty sure te race will be on wet or dry so could be a good change to get the rain wheels out and give em a run..
gimme a yell if your keen..real men skate in the rain
Yeah i checked the out look for the weather and it says 60% of rain, but they say there should be no more than 5mm or so.
Should be an awesome weekend.
see all the sunshine state crew for 3 days of skating maddness give me numbers need to get snaggs for the outlaw.
fuck the man!!! heading out for a session tomorrow night if anyone is keen..not sure when or where but on the coast somewhere and probly around 6pm..let me know if your in
yeah mate ill give you a call when i know whats happnen
If you can put up with a few newbys we would love to be in , down the coast or vegas way ? am havin a few days off work while Josh is on school hols and was planning to ride the hills(without lines......haha) around upper kedron close to Ashes place tomorrow morning as well . give me a call if you want
This saturday is looking to pretty fine weather wise and ash has a party on at morayfield saturday night so this saturday we are going to have a session up on the sunny coast for all who are intrested there is one sweet as S bend/3 way drift corner run which you can get some serious speed into and then the odd run here and there maybe work are way up to doonan where there is a quite run which hits about 80 or the hill climb is close depends who shows up. We would meet at buderim township say woolworths carpark and take it from there. I will keep you updated on the time we will meet up all are welcome.

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