ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

I will be taking a few days off work and family from the 6th to 9th of febuary to skate some runs in the snowys flights to canberra from brissy are cheap around then ( $140 return) hire car about the same for a few days, blader sean is working down there will be skating with him, the more the merrier.

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yeh Pete,we'll still pick ya up canberra thurs night,just ya trip home is different as jacko explained,we got it sorted now,with everyones different plans,see ya thurs dude,
thanks guys for the pick up and sorting out accomadation..this is gonna be an epic adventure i cant wait..see u there..
Can I just point something out before this trip that got to me a bit during my trip to Sydney.I could'nt help but notice at Mt. Kiera especially the amount of rubbish left behind. Even after I piled it all into a plastic shopping bag and put it in the bus it was then taken out of the bus and left in the tree's along with a plastic bag full of Ice. Working with Seals I see and deal with choking, entaglements, leisons, cuts and decapitation on almost a weekly basis. We are extremely lucky to be living over here and travelling around the country skating in various wonderfully natural places that people from over seas pay a fortune to see so lets treat the Snowy mountains with some care hey guys and leave it the same way we found it.
dani loosen your headband a little bit then go smoke another bong. i'll let greenpeace know your doing a bang up job, the entire hippy community will be proud of you.

Hail to Dani, king of the Elfs! Keeper of the Very Magic Mushrooms!

nah but seriously pick up your shit or die

Im no hippy, the government does'nt hire hippies.
The Aussie Fur Seal in the top picture died, the netting was in about two inches deep and slit his throat
i hear that the seal population is booming,to a point its destroying multi-million dollar aquaculture industrys,certain companys r seeking to cull seal populations but r unable to,thru the protection of seals and the no back down green movement,the same movement that caused victoria to burn claiming 200+lives and millions of innocent animals,due to its stand against backburning n fire prevention methods,the green movement in this country has crippled and destroyed huge amounts of industry/jobs ,farmers,fisherman,aquaculturists and primary producers,and we wonder why theres no jobs, Our country now is wholey reliant on imports,and we produce nothing,[we now import 75% of our food].,not to mention the numerous viruses imports have brung to our own ecosystems,inh some cases have wiped out certain species,so all the flow on effects from a savagely mismanaged green movement far outweigh what they so-called are trying to protect, So im glad your doing your part dani and i do not agree with a seal cull,but i sure hope ya dont call yourself a greeny.they have a lot to answer for, seen as u were into a deep n meaningful ,i thought id look at things in a different perspective, Dont think for a second im a red neck ,i ve just been unfortunate enough to of been brung up in a family n a community that has suffered deerly on numerous occassions from the sword of the green movement, keep lookin after the seals dude but go easy on anyone who has had accidental interaction with a seal that may of lead to its death,all species have to live together on this earth n sometimes shit happens, yeh well pick up our rubbish,always have,always will,
this is a skateboarding forum... and this is a thread about bombing hills in the snowy mountains this weekend... i enjoy everyones input into serious issues such as these and its great people have something to say... but the main thing is... SKATE OR DIE... This is not the place for these sorts of discussions, leave this thread for sick talk of the snowys and how rad its going to be/will be ONLY
the snowys is gonna be sick
No shit that what i fogot to sign off with,talk for ever about the ins n outs of life but thats how it is,Im forever readin bits of meaningless shit on this site,i dont mind/can handle a bit by like u say,im only here coz all i think about is skaten,so lets smash these hills,i think were all gettin mountain fever.........sos
Im in the process of fixing my leathers. Hope it works! I may need them this weekend me thinks
you WILL need them this weekend dude haha... we're gonna make sure you go 100k's on guthega

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