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I would say Contour GPS camera is way better than Gobandit GPS camera in term of video quality, GPS receiver and body material.

Gobandit is made of plastic but Contour is made of Aluminium 


Contour GPS receiver's detail

The GPS accuracy is consistent with standards for civilian GPS units:  + / -10 meters for latitude /longitude.  Altitude accuracy tends to be about half that – within 20 meters rather 10, and has a 50,000 meter altitude limit.  The GPS receiver is utilizes Ublox NEO-5Q-0-002 and can track up to 50 channels and uses best four signals to determine location. The unit can sample up to 4 times per second, but currently is set to one time per second to conserve battery.

Gobandit GPS receiver's detail

GPS Type: 20-channel, low power SiRFstar III GPS receiver
Accuracy: Speed: +/- 0.3km/h
Altitude: +/- 15m


And about the skin that shows speed and altitude which Gobandit has on the videos, Contour developer team is about to duplicate that feature.

So Contour wins!!!!

Erik Basil said:

That unit looks like it might have the same guts as the "Contour HD GPS" that's marketed in North America, since the features, package contents and orientation of the unit appear the same. The GoBandit has some features Contour doesn't though.

With the Contours, they record in higher resolution than GoPro at 60fps, and with a wider point of view. At 30fps, they also record at higher resolution than the GoPro. It's also adjustable for metering, exposure, mic sensitivity, etc...via USB controls. GoPro remains king, but some of these cameras are getting pretty darn good.
i think if the test footage from the go-pro 3D is any indication, go-pro still win

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