ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

After receiving Haggy's email asking for ideas/suggestions for next year's Newtons i thought i'd start a thread for everyone to voice their opinions. Once again a big big thanks to everyone who made the event possible. Robbo the video setup was awesome and something that i have only ever seen at the X Games and Red Bull DHX that had million $ funding, so to pull it off as well as you guys did was brilliant.

Anyway my sugestions would be

- Christmas tree start lights with a buzzer, the pull cord has lots of room for variation as to when riders interpret the start. Do you start when the cord passes you or when you see the fingertips from the starter flinch? Start ramps would be good, they were there last year. Maybe we could get them back again.

- Bands and/or DJ up at the campground would add a bit more atmosphere for the crowd and riders.

Thanks again guys and gals.

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Both very good ideas
I agree with the Xmas tree lights nick, I noticed a few riders jump the line however no action was taken.
It'd be good if there was a truck, Tractor or something with enough balls to cart spectators up and down the track. the best viewing spot with the most action is the elbow but spectators just hate treking up and down. I was happy to see cars allowed to drive down there.
Also I know there was alot of shelter at the start line but not enough sandbags to pin it all down. if that start line was covered alot of riders would perform better without suffering heat exhaustion.
But hey this year had half the bells and whistles as last year however it was 20 times better.
anything ontop of this year would be a bonus.
Maybe we could build a sail type structure across the road.
i can hook you up with some sails hahahahaha

Robbo said:
Maybe we could build a sail type structure across the road.
i know this would be expensive but awesome
a big screen tv thingy like they have at the soccer
not in the day time dude
it'd have to be a led screen, you cant project bright daylight. it is a rad idea, a screen at the elbow would be tits.

i think it was good on the saturday when the lugers and skaters were split up, it meant that a lot less que jumping was happening, also marking the helmets, great idea!
i like the idea of free riding to get to know the track, 3 runs before your qualifier is simply not enough to get to know the lines

is there any way to get the track open for longer?

cant wait till next year.
yes projectors are useless unless at night
hope next year is great because i should be going, not sure if i'll be racing though
not that good.. heheheh
I mentioned this to Haggy, after talking to Peter Eliot and Chris McBride,.....split the days prior to the final race day. The first day have only speedboarders on the hill, giving them more practice runs and still time to do 2 qualifying runs, and on the second day, the other disciplines. This would not only give more practice to all riders, but would lessen the stress on officials as well as riders. The final race day would be as it was this year. If it could be opened up to four days, have the very first day as a controlled free ride/practice day.
The Christmas Tree is an excellant idea.
Micheal Reeve (didnt turn up this year) has 2 big traffic light set ups (red/yellow/green) just lying around, and said he would love to see them as start lights for a race, we could give them to Richard Powers and let him work his magic, and could link em to a horn/buzzer
Lets try and find a big shade sail (maybe with a sponsors logo on it) and string it off that big sign over the start line, set up a formal (organised) pit area
Richard Powers has some awesome ideas for filming / broadcast systems, its what he does for a living.
All PlanetX games had a marquee for riders at the start line, with water in it, I'm amazed we havent had anyone cook in there leathers yet, not a good reciepe to perform at your best.
The start ramps are still in Bathurst with Ian Carter from Carter Bros engineering, and have been improved with BMX style drop gates fitted to them to prevent false starts like I did in round one
Hank's Place could do with being down on the track itself; even if it were further back where the slalom was set up and the riders were dropped off. This would give the riders more of a chance to get the between run treatments and make it easier for the therapists to treat those that need it just before they line up.
2010 should see us being able to offer 70 places with three therapists plus a strapper.
Way more practise
Pretty much any method to achieve it, even if you push back first qualifying and group it with the second.

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