After having the Springvale Ditch rained out on Friday night, we were hang'n for some serious ditch compensation, and woke to a wet Saturday determined to ride the stuff that no one ever thought could or should be ridden, come hell or high water. (we got both!)
So here is the prize winners in the
HEMLEY - GOLIATH spray crete wall ride.
1st Place - Haggy

2nd Place - Nathan

Equal 3rd Hambo

Equal 3rd Gilbert

Commendable Mentions



Special Thanks to
Hemley and Goliath, the winners are certainly going to need the new trucks and bearings after riding that crap!
Also major Props to THE BEAR for keeping us all warm.

Other scenes from the day....

Note: If this is on your to-skate list don't delay. Graffitti and vandalism by boneheads means that there will be new bylaws which will impose big fines on skaters caught at Melton. So do it NOW! before it gets too expensive.
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