ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Some very sad news; on Friday night, Anton (Anthony Fricker, AKA Skate Australia) was skating on the Gold Coast and had a tragic accident.

At the bottom of a run he came off his board and fell. His head took the full force, knocking him out. Emergency services were immediately called and Anton was rushed to hospital. He is currently on life support, while his family and friends say goodbye. It is expected that life support will be removed in the next few days. A funeral service and memorial will be announced.

Anton was wearing a helmet. This is a tragic accident. ASRA asks its members to refrain from posting speculation or unecessary questions regarding this accident. A sudden death stirs up a lot of emotion. His family acknowledges how important ASRA and longboarding were to his life. We encourage you to post up your memories and stories about Anton. We would like this to be a tribute and celebration of Anton's life, that it may help with the grieving process. He has been a big part of ASRA over the last 12 months; a creative force that inspired and motivated many of us. His Skate Australia videos will be a lasting tribute to an amazing man.

Vale Anthony Fricker
1986 - 2009

Views: 876

Tags: Anton, Skate Australia

Premium Member
Comment by Bullet Man on August 4, 2009 at 16:32
Hey everyone...
Finally I feel at least semi ready to post something here.. Just wanna explain a couple of things. First of all it was me and Anton who crashed together as we were skating, and it was NOT at 70k like all the news and papers want it to look like.
In fact, we were jut finished with the run and were about to stop so were maybe doing 30-40k. We had a car behind us that can confirm this. It was NOT the "crazy" speed that did any damage. Seven months ago we met at Mt. Kirra, Wollongong and he looked at us like we were crazy humans for going down there at high speeds and six months later he got to wear leathers and a full face helmet for the first time! He could handle it soooo well and we did the run five times! He passed a happy, superstoked man, body full of adrenalin and endorphins. It was a pure Freak Accident that could have happened anywhere anytime....Getting struck by lightning, slipping in the bathtub ob being eaten by a shark. Thats what happened and nothing else. So, People. Dont EVER let this scare you or anybody else....on the contrary! At least I know that I am gonna go even so much harder and faster now and gonna do Bathurst and dedicate it to my dear dear friend. Especially in the last couple of months we really bonded and our friendship grew everyday. We were working on the Documentary together. I am doing a lot of sound work for it and WE are definitely gonna finish it, especially now. I know for a fact that he has all the material he wanted....even tooo much RAAAD footage as he put it. We have recorded the narration for the docu as well so its gonna be great!

All your comment have made me feel really good and he will be missed a lot..... So lets celebrate his life and work and GOOO Fricke(r)n HARD.... Peace and Out
Comment by johno brereton on August 4, 2009 at 17:44
inspirational, funny, and creative. skate the skies bro
Comment by jonnyrocket on August 4, 2009 at 20:24
My sincere condolences to his family and friends. Look forward to seeing his film making project continued and finished without any further tragedy as a lasting tribute to him.
Comment by Arran Pratt on August 4, 2009 at 21:28
I met and talked to Anton only once at CHC Sidonia but was struck by his passion, positive energy, enthusiasm, drive and real love for skateboarding and film making..and am feeling quite melancholy still a few days after hearing this sad news. I will skateboard more, I will try new things and meet more great people and maybe even get into photography and filming a little more for the same reasons as Anton probably did.
Skateboarding makes me feel alive...really alive...always gives me a sense of fun and keeps me young in spirit. Heartfelt condolences to his family and all his many friends....Arran and Fin Pratt
Comment by Skate Australia Film on August 5, 2009 at 1:11
Thank-you for your messages of support. We are overwhelmed. We thought we were the only ones that knew he was so special.This was a terrible accident. If Anton could describe it he would say it was just shit bad luck. I have always encouraged my boys to live and to make the most of the time you have. I flew handgliders when I was Antons age and have snow skiied for years. I was just lucky I survived some close calls. Most of us could say the same. But you can't live in a shell and we all take risks everyday of our lives. I would never blame the sport for this could have been a golf ball or a bus ...I wiould never blame anything or anyone. He was loving doing what he was doing ..he just wasn't meant to live more than he did. I wish you all well and of course i know you will all try to stay safe...thats the best you can do unless you want to sit on a couch for the rest of your lives.

Love to you all ..Kate Fricker, Anthony's Mother.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on August 5, 2009 at 20:35
Anton's funeral details:
Who - Any friends of Anton
Where - Mt Gravatt Crematorium, adjacent to Griffith Uni
When - 3pm until approximately 4.15pm Friday 7th August
Dress - Casual/Informal
Bring - A blanket to sit on, acoustic instruments to play and any photos you have of Anton Food and drinks are not allowed on the site. At the request of Anton's family, please do not bring flowers.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on August 5, 2009 at 20:38
There's also be a screening of Anton's work on Monday night.

Date: Monday, 10 August 2009
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
Location: GFS
Street: Grey Street
Town/City: Brisbane

Premium Member
Comment by Stephen Daddow on August 5, 2009 at 21:15
I had the pleasure of traveling with Anton on his "Skate Australia" dvd road trip.... What a great guy. He was always happy and positive and could get along with everyone. A young guy with a great view on life and treated everyone with great respect and was a friend to everyone.
My heart goes out to his family and friends.... Anton will be very missed by nyyone who had to pleasure of meeting him and feeling his fun vibe.
Watching Anton on the camera or on his skateboard would make me smile. His eyes wide and a smile from ear to ear, he was stoked.
Anton " Beer, Girl's and Longboarding" That was what he would say on the road trip...
Love and Peace
Skate for Life !!!
R.I.P Brother.
Comment by Jordan Madeley on August 7, 2009 at 22:36
I only met Anton once at Beat the Bastard, while he was filming for his documentary. I was filming for our skate movie as well, he was up on this sketchy looking cliff face waiting for all the guys to do their runs. Getting the best angle, we started talking about how crazy all the guys were and i was the call guy to tell him once they were coming.

One of the nicest guys i have ever met. I remember him that day, carrying his professional camera gear around and me with my sony handycam haha. The advice he gave me and experiences he shared with me. A really genuine guy.

I always checked on the Skate Australia website for more videos, he was one of those guys that you can never forget. Even though it was for 1 day that i met and talked with him, he was a friend to me. Someone i will never forget about.

I want to see his dream of documenting Australian Skateboarding to the world become a reality. He is somone who inspires, a great eye for detail and such an easy going guy.

Anton, respect to you. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Peace Anton, never forgotten.
Comment by Raymondo on August 9, 2009 at 9:41
I had the great opportunity to meet Anton while I was visiting Oz last March/April. Anton was kind of like my tour guide for Australia's east coast. We drove down and up the coast in his Skate Australia van. Sharing two of the same passions with Anton (skateboarding and film making) we had great conversations on the long drives.

His personality was one of pure friendliness and he was always smiling.

My condolences to Anton's family and friends.

R.I.P. brother


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