ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

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CANADA's Discussions

G-Bikers are people 2
34 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Oliver Dowie Jun 1, 2010.



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At 18:55 on September 12, 2011, Jack Cooke said…

Hey, i am doing a research project on longboard decks and it would be greatly appreciated if you could fill out this short survey, it will only take a minute.

here is the survey:

Thank You

At 14:47 on March 12, 2011, riffraff said…
I'll cut you the slack till Tuesday, don't want you to miss out!
At 19:41 on June 1, 2010,
Premium Member
pete hill
ha, thats right mate i love little wheels so does 99% of the members of this site and the Paid up members, its bloody asra - AUSTRALIAN SKATEBOARD RACING ASSOCIATION, not australian gravity racing association or one of the other failed attempts to get things goin here in oz, it was skaters runnin slalom races at bangalow and the gold coast years ago, running outlaws and getting it done not sitting around procrastinating and deliberating about how to get it done and doing nothing but whine like a bunch of bitter old ladys,
At 17:56 on December 16, 2009, Sakamoto said…
At 11:37 on September 23, 2009, Henderson On Park said…
hey dude,
where are you from in canada? i am heading over there in jan
i chked ur vids they were cool. And btw. If there was a problem with any of your videos they would have been removed by Admin. Sk8ers love to be hypocritical
At 12:11 on August 28, 2009,
Premium Member
Having no pads on isnt gonna kill me. I can lose skin from my knees falling over in the street. Running into on coming cars at high speed will kill you and possibly the people in the car as well.

I have no desire to go to your house and talk safety. I am not interested in arguing with you either. I am interested in giving gravity sports as good of a name and reputation as it can possibly get. We have the luxury at the moment of being able to get away with breaking this law with nothing more than a $50 fine. Why would we wanna make it harder for ourselves? We know that the media and police know about this site. They have used it in the past. So it seems odd to me to wave videos like this in there faces, especially since we have been going so well as of late.
At 22:58 on August 27, 2009, tom Crane said…
dw about it mate
some of the people on this site tend to forget its an extreme sport and shit happens,

keep on riding buddy (and keep up the sick videos, haha =D)
At 15:14 on August 27, 2009,
Premium Member
Fair enough man. What I said wasn't targeted at you specifically. I still think it's a stupid video to post up but i would say the same things to anybody that posted a video like it. Like I said, nothing against G-bikes or yourself. Just the video.
At 16:22 on August 25, 2009, CANADA said…
I broke the golden rule. look were you wanna go not were you dont. stared at the car went straight for it. it was hypnotic.
At 15:19 on August 25, 2009,
Premium Member
I roll on the left side of the road to avoid on coming traffic. I would rather not get cleaned up by a car. Means I cant do another run. I roll in Adelaide same roads as you no doubt.

If you can see around those corners how come you didn't see the traffic coming the other way? I am all for cutting corners, providing you can see whats coming.


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