ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

For sale..


Landyachtz Switch Deck $130 + shipping


Landyachtz DHR Deck $110 +shipping(Has GoPro mounts on front and rear truck mounts)


10" RASTA Gullwing Chargers $50 + Shipping


Bear Grizzly 852s $55 + shipping


Abec 11 Flywheels 83mm 81a $55 + shipping


Abec 11 Gumballs 76mm 75a $ 50 + shipping


Retro Freerides, Lemon 83a $ 50 + shipping


Protec Helmet (Brown) not sure what size, large from memory $30 +shipping




Will set up completes, make an offer.


In Melbourne for Pickup.







Switch has been sprayed black, is the 2010 model. Will respray if it bothers you.. No structural damage, purely cosmetic.

Tags: 11, Landyachtz, WTS, abec, bear, dhr, down, gullwing, hill, race, More…switch

Views: 330

Replies to This Discussion

what condition is the helmet? any photos?
um helmet and freerides for n80 inc shipping to tas
i'd be into the switch deck, or maybe even a complete. 
how about $210 for the switch complete with the bears and retro freerides?
how low would you go on the trucks?
could i get the

Bear Grizzly 852s for like 50 bucks and i live in melbourne so is there any chance of a pick up

Hey mate, do you still have the Landyachtz Switch for sale?
What's the condition like?
Also interested in the Retro freerides if they're still around.

could you please post some pictures man?

just wondering what it all looks like. 

freerides still there? pics?
hey man um what wheels could you do for fifty plus 10 shipping to tassie um i downhill and i slide so gumballs would be cool
do i get the bears or wat?
so do i get the trucks or wat?

Callum van den Enden said:

@amoses213-Yeah complete i'll do for $210 + shipping, with the freerides and bears.


@Jay Harvey - Sorry man, Jake got in first on the helmet. If he doesn't want it it's yours. Also with the freerides I'd rather sell as a complete, unless amoses wants a different wheel set.


@Steve Hardy - I'll do the Gullwings for $50 shipped, the bears are looking like they're going with the switch.


@Lachie Wells- Only if the switch complete falls through, but if it does then it's yours. You can have the Gullwings for $45 pickup in melbs.


@Chris Marshall - It is still available, but amoses got in first. I'll do you the DHR if you want it, very similar, but more stable. Will also include wedge risers with it.



Turns out i'm not allowed to get the switch. for some reason my parents don't let me spend my own money.ugh

so whoever wanted parts of it can have them. 

sorry if that caused and problems/confusion guys. 



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