ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

During a midday session I was having on Monday I was pulled up by a gentleman who asked me about my skating to which I obliged to tell him a little about the sport, he then pointed out that it was good that I was wearing a helmet and asked me about the gloves to which I showed him.

He then informed me about how the week before he had a go at some younger kids who were hitting the hill but were not wearing any safety gear at all, to which I didn’t say much about them but assured him that it’s a must have in my house to at least wear a helmet, (My son 3 ½ years old no helmet no skating.)

With out going into more detail about my conversation with this gentleman, when we had finished he left and was happy for me to keep skating and I did so for about another hour or so. My point being that beside the all important safety of wearing a helmet that it will also change the attitude of people who see us and not fully understand the sport, but what they all understand is helmets save lives’.

This isn’t the first time either and that’s why I thought it would bring it up, I think if we want to grow this sport into something bigger it’s the non skaters that have to accept us and let us do what we love without getting in our way.

Yes we will always have hatters but the more people that accept what we do, the less there is to listen to their crap! And yes I’m sure that there are still people that will have a go even if you are wearing safety equipment or not.

Well there’s my two cents anyways!

Skate hard, skate fast and come home to tell the story!!!

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couldn't agree more.
my wife cried when I came home with a Helmet and Leathers...

"Oh, Right, I see... You're going to try and kill yourself now?"

She is slowly warming to the concept though ,)
Mine said the same thing when i did, but now i've got 2 damaged knees. brrrrr its really cold in my house these days, not sure if she'll ever thaw out.

Brad B said:
my wife cried when I came home with a Helmet and Leathers...

"Oh, Right, I see... You're going to try and kill yourself now?"

She is slowly warming to the concept though ,)
My wife just increased my life insurance cover. Maybe she's trying to tell me something!!!!!!

Brad B said:
my wife cried when I came home with a Helmet and Leathers...

"Oh, Right, I see... You're going to try and kill yourself now?"

She is slowly warming to the concept though ,)
maybe she's gunna keeel you!!

Wearing a helmet has significantly changed the way cops treat me. bonus.
if you got a lid and gloves on cops treat you a whole lot better

SteveC said:
maybe she's gunna keeel you!!

Wearing a helmet has significantly changed the way cops treat me. bonus.
Yea, maybe, but she don't look anything like Achmed!!!!!!!!!

SteveC said:
maybe she's gunna keeel you!!

Nice little write up Steve, I like reading things like this instead of reading fellow grom verbal diarrhea!!!! cool to know there are some rad people out there on the sunny coast who are happy to let us skate if we wear safety gear :)
You cant buy PR like that. Rad little story. Watch out for those hatters, they are mad you know.

Haha A-drain, funny.
yea its great. an ambo offficer pulled over next to us and said good work with the helmets, we scooped a boy off the road the other day, he was unconcious for 5mins and coul have brain damage. we found out later it was my mate zacc.
Wow thats no good at all, Hope he pulled up ok and gets back on the board!

Ian Coggan said:
yea its great. an ambo offficer pulled over next to us and said good work with the helmets, we scooped a boy off the road the other day, he was unconcious for 5mins and coul have brain damage. we found out later it was my mate zacc.
actually what we need is more older guys bombin hills! its pretty obvious that youth + skateboard = trouble... even if they wear safety gear the average joe automaticly makes that assumption.
however if u get an older guy out on the boards (even if they dont wear safety gear, funnily enough) people tend to think its ok, coz they are not young they are not hooligans...

but yeah good write up and i do also agree that once wearing a helmet becomes main stream people wont tend to look at skaters as 'dangerous and reckless'

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