ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

The other day my friends and I had all our boards stacked up in the school office for safekeeping, and mine was on top of the pile. I went into the office to get something from my teacher's desk and there was this sketchy shortboarder kid sitting in there near our boards, on detention or something. Next time I go in, the kid's gone and so is one of my damn bigzigs. Turns out he stole it and chucked it on his way out of school that afternoon.

It's been found and returned now with minimal damage, but it still pisses me off.
The guy did it purely because he doesn't like longboarders.
Anyone else have this problem where they live?

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no,they kno longboards are the shit and are to scared to step on somthin that goes that fast and has no kick,most longboarders were once a shortboarder and alot still are to some degree,real skaters appreciate all forms of rad skating...i luv a halfpipe every now and then....speed is better than kidflips for me....a few of the best d/h skaters and slalom skaters are also rad bowl/vert skaters....skate or die
Yeah, I like shortboarding, just not assholes like him.
I've occasionally had people yell anti-longboard stuff at me, but not often. Everybody has their prejudices. Some people think it's OK to use "fag" as an insult.
yeh. there is a bus station down near where i live with a sick hill at the back. the path it evens out on goes through the actual station, and there are often shortboarders there doing tricks. Everytime i cruise past, they always have a smart comment like "ohhh, got your longboard there". "Nice board, homo'. They are even so low that they blame it when they stack. They hang around in a group. One day there was an older one there, not affiliated with the group, and he was awesome, he even came over and talked to me about my board and had a ride. i wish they were all like that.
I was skating down a road near me and some 'skatefaggots' were in a car, they stopped and yelled 'anti-longboarding' crap to me. I simply told them that it can go faster and turn better, he asked me if i could ollie and i said no, I asked him to race me down one hll about 75m long. I laughed when he said yeahs, he pushed so hard and slid out and by this stage i was at the bottom.... even his freinds laughed...
You could put an edited version of that story up on
(replace: "sketchy shortboarder kid" with "someone who I thought was a rad street skater" )
(replace: " BigZigs " with "wheels")
(delete: "The guy did it purely because he doesn't like longboarders." )

Then watch the other "twig-flippers" rip him to shreds!

Naaaa on second thought......
Skating well is the best revenge!
Don't worry 'bout it Isaac.
Just shrug it off and avoid people like that.
They obviously need the shortboard image to stay cool and probably to be tough because they have insecurities about their own sexuality. Chances are they think you're stealing their coolness and feel embarrased, get angry and call you a fag.

Most importantly though, don't hate em just because they ride a double kick.
I know alot of people who ride shortboards who are equally as rad as longboarders.
Wow. Now I'm a Q.U.E.E.R., a F.A.G. and a H.O.B.O. (I ride zigs, not tangs).
ya, i would rather be friend with the short boarders, but there attitudes make it very difficult, there are many exceptions tho, Hazza for them! I am just pretty peeved off that my mates wheel got stolen out of pure stupidity and lack of a understanding of other board related sports. >__< Least we got that wheel back tho jake!!!!!! Rip it up on thursday !!!!!!
yeh, i'm not worried. there all like pussy 5 foot tall skinny punks. anything gets outta control, my 41.5 piece of bamboo and urethane has an upper hand over their 30 inch hunk of wood.

Fitz said:
Don't worry 'bout it Isaac.
Just shrug it off and avoid people like that.
They obviously need the shortboard image to stay cool and probably to be tough because they have insecurities about their own sexuality. Chances are they think you're stealing their coolness and feel embarrased, get angry and call you a fag.

Most importantly though, don't hate em just because they ride a double kick.
I know alot of people who ride shortboards who are equally as rad as longboarders.
Sprinkle some cement mix on your ice cream and take it as a compliment ,)
Skateboards are skateboards... if he doesn't know this, that's his loss
i recon we just let them be their steriotypical selves... keep doing what we do. its all skating we just go faster and turn harder. its not your fault that u dont go to the same park every day, do the same tricks on the same surface... every day.

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