ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

yeah. what are some decent cheaper alternatives to 4 pres or in heats??


Tags: alternative, cheap, otang, wheel

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Oh god.
Just go on Hopkin and price order them so it goes cheap to expensive.
BTW Early wheels are top notch and cheap!
i some how see big zigs being cheaper in the long run as you seem to get more life them for racing, if your desperate enough to go shop at board shop you can get s9 raceforms
good things come to those who wait... for more money for otangs :)
haha genius!!

Dylan Danger Batty said:
agreed, wait for otang money, but when you become addicted, dont whore yourself out to pay for fresh sets... sell organs, it makes you lighter
Right now Retro Freeride Oops are super cheap. Check silverfish.
you do realise that board shop supports ASRA I hope.

sean meaney said:
i some how see big zigs being cheaper in the long run as you seem to get more life them for racing, if your desperate enough to go shop at board shop you can get s9 raceforms
yea, supports........
how many local sponsorships do they have????
how many local events have they been to and helped out???
how many steve daddows have they brutally ripped off??? ( only 1)
how many other stores that are trying to make it off in aus have they boycotted with their 10% off thing????
yea, really supportive id say............

on another note, voodoo sells wheels for cheap, inheats 85, 4pres 80, and zigs in the same range........

Phil Bartlett said:
you do realise that board shop supports ASRA I hope.

sean meaney said:
i some how see big zigs being cheaper in the long run as you seem to get more life them for racing, if your desperate enough to go shop at board shop you can get s9 raceforms
Wow there's a lot of hate.

Matthys said:
yea, supports........ how many local sponsorships do they have???? how many local events have they been to and helped out???
how many steve daddows have they brutally ripped off??? ( only 1)
how many other stores that are trying to make it off in aus have they boycotted with their 10% off thing????
yea, really supportive id say............

on another note, voodoo sells wheels for cheap, inheats 85, 4pres 80, and zigs in the same range........

Phil Bartlett said:
you do realise that board shop supports ASRA I hope.

sean meaney said:
i some how see big zigs being cheaper in the long run as you seem to get more life them for racing, if your desperate enough to go shop at board shop you can get s9 raceforms
yea, sorry, came across rather negative eh..............
I think that holding thier low prices against them is a bit ironic.

Matthys said:
yea, sorry, came across rather negative eh..............
look dude dont get me wrong, when they are the only shop with product in stock and i need it asap i will shop there, but i would rather support Hemleys, Hopkin or Ado because they do alot for the scene, i dont like the fact that boardshop will blatently undercut other shops who do that much for australian gravity sports.

Phil Bartlett said:
I think that holding thier low prices against them is a bit ironic.

Matthys said:
yea, sorry, came across rather negative eh..............
yeh getting the whole story will help you guys make up your mind.......hopshop or die!

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