ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

is any one up to speed on the new laws comming into effect in october?

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Very well put, they even made surfers Register their boads at one point, made it Illegal to surf during work hours and all that. and the average surfer just kept on doing what they love. when people don't know or understand they just make their own mind up about it with out looking into it!

Maybe if we just start doing all the thing that have been suggesting then people will start to see what we are really about, fuck i don't know but not much will stop me from skating, night or day!! but at the end of the day im going to, as much as possible make sure that i go home to my family and be around for my son! and that the law that means most to me

Guff said:
matt there may be more serious problems in society.But skateboarders are always an easy target, you and i and most people on this site on the most part respect the general public and obey societies rules.Until longboarding and skateboarding in general is viewed as a legitimate sport we will have to cop it. People i talk to about longboarding are stoked ,people that actually see what it is all about are super stoked.Shake the stigma like surfers did remember everyone hated them too.Look at Kelly Slater people rate him as one of the best athletes ever our time is comin......
Yeah I know,... Im not gonna stop either.
Draconian laws like this are BS and they wont stop me. Their logic and reasoning is flawed.
Im just trying to provide an arguement. I want to do something to help stop this,... or at least give some food for thought.
Feel free to take anything Ive said any way you like. Im not upset,... Im trying to help.

I think we need some older guys to be more visible in the sport and the public eye. Guys who dont have an attitude, or a skate or die stance. Just regular guys who like to ride.
matty leadfoot said:
Yeah I know,... Im not gonna stop either.
Draconian laws like this are BS and they wont stop me. Their logic and reasoning is flawed.
Im just trying to provide an arguement. I want to do something to help stop this,... or at least give some food for thought.
Feel free to take anything Ive said any way you like. Im not upset,... Im trying to help.

I think we need some older guys to be more visible in the sport and the public eye. Guys who dont have an attitude, or a skate or die stance. Just regular guys who like to ride.

guys like Wedge Francis are providing a legit face for the sport in my eyes as he was a champ and does some good charity work through skateboarding, we do need guys like him pushing for facilities that are world class and for out rights to persue our sport
yeah, and Haggy and Bugs fit the bill too.

Id also say Stephen Daddow. Every time Ive seen him talk about skating in the media, he has come across really well.
Sorry to dob you in Steve.
Educate yourself for scrutiny from the aurthorities Quote the relevent law for your state eg in SA a gbike is classed as a scooter .the fine is $25 for being over 12yrs riding a scooter on the road no biggy .Speaking from experience just be polite and relevent.things will flow along ok.But on that note ya cant beat the old make like a fidgeon and pluck off.just makes it harder next time your there .ask the cops if they know of any appr roads etc you might be suprised at their answer 1 cop in adel showed me a new estate with brand new hotmix and closed to public ya just never know cheers Typhoon
Surfing went through the same bad public perception deal years ago, but by working with the local politicians, local police (when relevant ) and educating the general public in the structure of events, manufacturers/retailers and sponsorship it was turned around. Sean and Matty's thoughts regarding "older statesman" is a valid point....older guys who run from each discipline to support ASRA when dealing with the media and authorities. Haggy, Robbo and Bugs are way more than capable to do this, but they will need support. Passion is great, it's what we as skaters, lugers and G-bikers (all disciplines) are all about, it's what drives us, but constructive, mindful eliquence is whats needed to play this game...and unfortunately this is a game. Ten years ago there used to be a Federal Politician who raced skeleton on the major ice runs in Europe, but it was kept quiet due to the perceived perception of the general public....and this guy was bloody good!!!!!!
The media have always been a 50/50 chance when dealing with them, depending on what sort of a day the reporter/editor has had would dictate the feel of the article. Cultivating and nurturing of the media is paramount to success of acceptance.
Then the Police and Politicians. Support your local ASRA member...:)

sean meaney said:
matty leadfoot said:
Yeah I know,... Im not gonna stop either.
Draconian laws like this are BS and they wont stop me. Their logic and reasoning is flawed.
Im just trying to provide an arguement. I want to do something to help stop this,... or at least give some food for thought.
Feel free to take anything Ive said any way you like. Im not upset,... Im trying to help.

I think we need some older guys to be more visible in the sport and the public eye. Guys who dont have an attitude, or a skate or die stance. Just regular guys who like to ride.

guys like Wedge Francis are providing a legit face for the sport in my eyes as he was a champ and does some good charity work through skateboarding, we do need guys like him pushing for facilities that are world class and for out rights to persue our sport
I dont no if anyone has but iv already contacted jjj, Hack..... so it should give us the publicity we wont

Bugs said:
Just spoke to Haggy - he was interviewed by ABC Radio this morning on this subject, and the interview will be aired on ABC Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast radio this morning at about 9.30am.

So listen if you can, and if somebody can record it that would be great

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