ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Just wondering if anyone has heard, seen or riden one of these devices?

It looks pretty gnarly from the few vids that I've seen, fun but way hectic!! Apparently snowboarding wihtout the snow?


Check it out.

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its not that hard to ride in the park, i could do little 360 airs and back side stale fish's on quater pipes, where they are really really fun is on street terrain like rails, stairs, manny pads, gaps and banks, doing press's and jumping stuff on them is really fun

Phil Bartlett said:

tend to be slower than a long board due to the fact that you are inclined to slide any turns that you make.



jesus they must be hard work in the skate park! I never even thought to ride them in there.

Listen to Sean, he knows what he is talking about....
If you snowboard you'll love it, you need really steep hills, like 80kph bombing hills otherwise they're just way to slow.
Buy mine
well i did ride one for 2 years before picking up a longboard, i got a rough idea what i am talking about, and yes you need steep hills or they are fairly boring, one of the reasons why i stopped riding so much

Dani said:
Listen to Sean, he knows what he is talking about....

i got a freebord they ok but yeah fucking realy realy steep fast runs ......other wise u lag hard...if u get one ...dont ride it like a skateboard u wont get anywhere with it ....u have too look at it like u are 10 yrs old and learning skating all over again ......


binders ...are the key to freebord too if they didnt have em u could not go really fast with them .........


and yeah u catch an edge at speed the the board will throw you onto the ground like a mouse trap


i think they are bit more hectic than longboarding......also switch skating freebord has made me 100000 times better switch skater cuz u can pop it in out of switch so easy with out wiggin out cuz u think u might crash  switch at speed im talkin about


also road surface needs to be really really good for em........... rough shit u cant ride it .......

meh, only thing that i could see them being fun is the bindings going off stairs, ledges and the like, but as jacko said the whole bindings deal is pretty much asking for a pavement and face reunion....

i broke my wrist first time i tried one of these things >./p>

0:51 looks like haygnar
suprisingly the bindings aren't really a problem at all, i've never got caught up in em when i had to bail
I have heard that they are quite hard to maintainance each part as each one is hard to find it in the market. Especially, the center wheels can be broken easily.

you heard wrong, you can get all the spare parts easily. you can break anything if you abuse it.

Golf said:

I have heard that they are quite hard to maintainance each part as each one is hard to find it in the market. Especially, the center wheels can be broken easily.



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