ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Its getting to the stage where its really about time I started carrying a first aid kit in the car to all sessions - and not quite sure exactly what I need to be putting in it.

Everybody knows prevention is the best treatment, and we're always wearing at least a lid, gloves and knees everywhere, and these cover 90% of stacks, but theres then theres those freak 10% of accidents that end in grazes in weird spots or corks or even broken bones and dislocated shoulders and stuff.

Ive had my share of stupid stacks, and you get an idea of the skate specific basics - patch bandaids, elastoplast and gauze, compression bandage - but has anybody had any weird accidents and just wished they had some other sort of first aid?

Thanks heaps

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super glue, spray on bandaid, detol, phone
that should do ya. Superglue for cuts, spray bandage for grazes, detol to clean it up and phone incase the above cant help.
spray on baindaid is the best stuff
Superglue for those that cant sew!
drummer use super glue all the time, i'd always have some on me when i was a tour manager, you just pinch the cut together and glue it along the cut, in a couple of seconds it's sealed and good to go.

Fisiocrem and rapaid antiseptic rash relief cream (good for road rash takes the sting out in seconds and helps heal over quick; there are other things out there but for the price this is pretty good)

As of October we are putting out a "gravity aid" kit that has been designed to be thrown in a kit bag for DH, luge and MB among other sports.
It will kick out at around $15-$20 (waiting on price) and be desinged especially for our sports (see our website at end of month and will also be available from us at Newton's)
Hahaha yeah mezz Its funny shit but thats wat super glue was made for in the war.

Merrick Wildash said:
Im not sure if your being serious.. Do you actually use super glue and if so how lol

Jezza said:
super glue, spray on bandaid, detol, phone
that should do ya. Superglue for cuts, spray bandage for grazes, detol to clean it up and phone incase the above cant help.
paxyl sunburn spray and fixamol
bong and chop
hah. also fixamol is the shit

Stephen Daddow said:
bong and chop
bring one of those pieces of cloth you make a sling out of incase you dislocate your shoulder, they cost heaps cheap and they arent big either.
Sick. Thanks everyone.

Ps, those Gravity Aid packs are a sweet idea.

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