ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

I was looking for a dh deck with a kick, something like the Glyde Kicktail.

Does anyone know boards that are like that? 


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I heard the Ethos wasn't very good.

And thanks for showing me the Bomb Squad Rambo Bazooka

I might get it.

earthwing high tailer is a sick downhill board with kick too

This is a double kick but its one of the most amazing boards ive riddwen before.
Have a look at Dr Longboards Odin. The gas pedals on it are aamzing.

How about an Earthwing Supercharger if you can find one?  Basically a slightly longer Superglider.  I have the Superglider and it's very versatile and good at speed too; I imagine the charger would be a little more stable but a little more difficult to manoevre with the kicktail.  Here's a video that gives a pretty good idea of it although it's not the most rad skating you will see.



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