ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

You have to be a rich pimp to afford to skate in Brisbane...

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I can't believe some of you guys just accept that the rules are 'just there'. That kind of thinking is the reason this country is piling up with more and more bullshit laws that we all have to deal with. NO we SHOULD NOT have to run from someone like that, and NOBODY should be telling us that moving around on a board with wheels is a crime. Can you think of anyone that actually thinks getting a one hundred dollar fine for skating is reasonable? You guys just want to accept that your sport, your hobby, and for some of you your CAREERS, is almost always illegal in your country?

Its not 'just the way it is'. It's a law that was put there by somebody who doesn't truly understand, and it can just as easily be lifted. The Brisbane city council has launched huge initiatives recently to encourage alternative forms of transport. The 3 newest bridges over our river are for bikes and pedestrians only. Because of longboards, skating is not about doing tricks that damage public property any more. For me it's my mode of transport as much as anything else. It's an environmentally friendly, healthy, and fun way to get around. I also always wear a helmet which makes it just as safe as any bike or scooter.

Yes I accept that queen st mall is a pedestrian only street, and with good reason. I obviously didn't get the memo that front of the state library now counts as the mall, but that's not the point at all. It's this amongst ALL the other bullshit that we deal with. The instant reaction and attitude from all cops and security that skateboarding is harmful, dangerous, illegal, and stupid. When some council guy comes and shines a torch at you and tells you to stop skating would you rather bail and ruin your fun or do you ever stop and ask 'Why? What is the actual law in this case and where is it written?' 'That's what I did and look where it got me. Don't you want to get some public attention to that? If the skating community is going to grow the way we want it to, then this is the attitude we all need to have.

I don't just want to piss off cops like a stubborn child. If anything I'll try and give them more time to deal with people who are actually harming society. For those of you who think this is just going to make the police more strict. I personally don't think things could get much worse, and you guys skate away every time you see a cop anyway so why don't you just keep doing that. I'll make sure I don't suggest cops get skaties too.

Brisbane kids hopefully should look out for an article in MX soon! I've got a friend who works there and she's really interested.

dude, if you were skating in the eighties you'd know what "worse" really is, go ahead, fight for our rights, but do it in a constructive positive way.
Beast?....are they referring to the board or the rider?
Skate Australia Film said:
I can't believe some of you guys just accept that the rules are 'just there'. That kind of thinking is the reason this country is piling up with more and more bullshit laws that we all have to deal with. NO we SHOULD NOT have to run from someone like that, and NOBODY should be telling us that moving around on a board with wheels is a crime. Can you think of anyone that actually thinks getting a one hundred dollar fine for skating is reasonable? You guys just want to accept that your sport, your hobby, and for some of you your CAREERS, is almost always illegal in your country?

Its not 'just the way it is'. It's a law that was put there by somebody who doesn't truly understand, and it can just as easily be lifted. The Brisbane city council has launched huge initiatives recently to encourage alternative forms of transport. The 3 newest bridges over our river are for bikes and pedestrians only. Because of longboards, skating is not about doing tricks that damage public property any more. For me it's my mode of transport as much as anything else. It's an environmentally friendly, healthy, and fun way to get around. I also always wear a helmet which makes it just as safe as any bike or scooter.

Yes I accept that queen st mall is a pedestrian only street, and with good reason. I obviously didn't get the memo that front of the state library now counts as the mall, but that's not the point at all. It's this amongst ALL the other bullshit that we deal with. The instant reaction and attitude from all cops and security that skateboarding is harmful, dangerous, illegal, and stupid. When some council guy comes and shines a torch at you and tells you to stop skating would you rather bail and ruin your fun or do you ever stop and ask 'Why? What is the actual law in this case and where is it written?' 'That's what I did and look where it got me. Don't you want to get some public attention to that? If the skating community is going to grow the way we want it to, then this is the attitude we all need to have.

I don't just want to piss off cops like a stubborn child. If anything I'll try and give them more time to deal with people who are actually harming society. For those of you who think this is just going to make the police more strict. I personally don't think things could get much worse, and you guys skate away every time you see a cop anyway so why don't you just keep doing that. I'll make sure I don't suggest cops get skaties too.

Brisbane kids hopefully should look out for an article in MX soon! I've got a friend who works there and she's really interested.

holy shit ur just gonna walk into court with no legal qualification, no soliciter and expect to make a difference
this isnt judge judy
ur gonna fuck it up for us, u hasn't been listening to past people talking about the grey area working in our favour
u had one nazi guy give u a fine
get over it and pay it
then when the next one come in 8 years or so pay that one to
why the fuk did u put this on sites and sessions this obviously a two cents discussion
The offence is wrong.. a skateboard is not a vehicle, its a wheeled recreational toy.. which means your rights are the same as a pedestrian, according to state law. But as far as riding in the mall goes, your on council land, and council laws apply, regardless of what your riding and what the state law classify a skateboard as.. do some more research on council laws...

and btw you'd be pleased to know, riding in a public car park is legal as long as your riding down the middle where cars drive cos that is classified as a road, and your a pedestrian :)

Take it to court. I think you have a fair point and a good story. Make a great part to the film.
Going to court to defend your rights is a good experience, however you should respect the court system. You will be walking into someone's workplace, dont take it lightly, dont wear the skate or die t-shirt. Put on a suit. Be respectful. Have a clear reason to be there. Argue your point. Call the press. And get on Rove. You dont need solicitors, lawyers, council etc. They'll tell you what to do and when to do it. I want to see how you get the dancer past the court security!!!

I would argue you were riding a longboard not a skateboard. Take the dancer and a street skateboard. Point out the skateboard is used to grind buildings and laws in the city have been designed to stop that anti social behaviour. You ride a longboard that you use for commuting. It does not damage anything. You can control and stop it when you need to. By fining you the law is saying you can not commute.
I skate through the top area near the casino on my way to uni all the time and never get pulled up. Apart from getting done for skating in the mall what laws apply as a general guide in Queensland?

I have been told to get off the footpath on some occassions and to get off the road on others. Today skating home from work (Regatta, in Toowong) I got yelled at by a copper who was RBT'ing to get back on the footpath. I was admittedly not wearing a helmet.

What are our rights as boarders? What are the rules in regards to wearing helmets? I tend not to wear one as I am generally just communting as a pose to hitting any sort of speed.

Hey I just read this thread and thought I should add my 2 cents. A couple of weeks ago my roomate, my brother and I went to skate the carpark at skatebiz, on our way home one of the waiters from a cafe on Albert street (massive German dude) just tackled the both of us into the tables without warning. Two other waiters then followed us down the street urging us to hit them so they had a reason to both kick the shit out of us AND charge us for assault.

We went to the police station on Adelaide street to report it and as soon as the Senior Constable heard the word 'skating' she just turned into a soccer mum! As opposed to doing her job and trying to get all the details she just went rank and said 'You should be using your common sense! You're gonna knock people over' etc. The thing is, it was almost midnight and it was just the one waiter on the path, talking to the other 2 who were sitting on the table. The waiter actually jumped into our way and shoved us into the tables.

You can't fight the police, or the laws. It's too easy to become a police officer in Queensland, and like teaching, it's all the high school drop outs and ex-tradies and gym meatheads that want to become cops (I studied Criminology in Griffith before I transferred to QUT so I know first hand the kind of people that aspire to be cops) .

The best that came out of the situation was Senior Constable making threats at us saying 'If I find out you'se (yes she said you'se -_-) are in the wrong I'm coming after you'. Before we left she said she had to research the legislation regarding our situation (so obviously she's not coming after us, because we were legally assaulted) but my main point is, most cops on Brisbane at least just don't want to hear about it. Because of all the other 'Fuck the police' skaters around here.

We went in, asked calmly if something could be done about it, we even cited legislation saying that those waiters had assaulted and made threats at us but nothing happened because of dudes like the one writing to MX. If you're gonna try and fight the system, find someone who actually knows what their talking about. Because when something happens that's worse than a fine, justice may not be dealt out fairly because the victim was a skater.  

This is from 2009 and Anton Fricker is (sadly) no longer with us...

To Arthur ^ if the police refused to take action against the people who assaulted you, get a lawyer. among all the shit they're supposed to do they have a duty of care to protect the public from shit like this. if they refuse to help even when youve explained to them what actually happened then fuck their shit up.

Another option will be to go back to their boss, explain to him/her that you were assaulted. just make something up like you were making your way home from a train station or bus stop, and just happened to skate past their establishment and had one of the cockheads that worked their assault you, point him out and let shit take its course!

and as for this thread and the fine given, tell the security office you're going to go and stick one to his mother. he'll probably go and give her a fine and class whatever the hell she might be riding as a vehicle or "beast" too...

EDIT: Woops. didnt see the date the thread was started. and bummer to hear that bro

hope you don't have to pay car insurance on that vehicle 

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