ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Hi, I just wanted to know everyone's opinions when it comes to doing heelside slides: Colemans, pendies, pre-drifts etc... Should the back leg be rotated down so it's flat? And should the front leg be upright still? Because on different videos, I have seen people with both legs rotated down, and some where neither are rotated, and it is a bit like they are squatting (me). So I thought maybe a combo: Front up, and back down, what's your 2 cents? Cheers.

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front leg upright with the shoe making full contact with the board, back leg relatively flattened out for better control. i found that 2 legs up was fine at lower speeds but was alot harder to control when going faster.
there is something that most people here dont know about and its called: STYLE

each person has their own and its the MOST IMPORTANT part of any form of skateboarding... its something you can only gain with experience and learning. The question you are asking refers to such a thing and its imperative to how you operate on your board. you own style works for you and no one else.
Dont like how your skating? change your style... dont know how to do that? go film yourself trying out different things and be your own judge of what looks/feels good
my style i usually squat, not intensionally but it just feels natural so just do what you like.
put it flat if you want to keep spinning the way you started, keep it upright if you want to whip back
Can you rephrase please?...I don't quite get what you are saying haha.

sean meaney said:
put it flat if you want to keep spinning the way you started, keep it upright if you want to whip back

Jacko, I am used to sqatting because it is easy to get in and out of, and fast; but it kills the leg muscles and joint doing it repeatedly, it just about needs a warm-up. I see more advanced people with the back leg down, I think it is more stable and stops the board 180ing really quickly. But I will try out both styles this weekend; I suspect the back leg down may be the go because I will have more control and it will be stabler, not to mention stabler in transition, so I don't get those little wobbles in-between like when I squat.

Cheers guys.
Hey everyone,
Ok, i have been learning how to do some heelside pendies
I am just having trouble bringing the board back to facing forwards.
I watched this video that told me to put weight on the front and the back will swing around. Correct?
like i said before mate, go n film yourself if your having problems with something, that way you can be your own judge.
Posting up on the internet will not help you at all, because you will barraged with several message from people (usually who don't have any idea) about what to do and will get mixed messages. Skating cannot be taught by writing things over the internet, it has to be learned through experience. So if you wanna get better i'd suggest getting off the computer and go out and skate more, trust me you will learn quicker.
But yeah get some of your buddies to film you doing what you do, and look at it. Then compare it to some footage of what you eventually want to achieve, and see how your style differs from the style thats pulling the moves correctly...

Elliot O said:
Hey everyone,
Ok, i have been learning how to do some heelside pendies
I am just having trouble bringing the board back to facing forwards.
I watched this video that told me to put weight on the front and the back will swing around. Correct?
Thanks Jacko
Point taken, I'll try to get out today
I reckon as long as you have the basic technique down, then you just have to try it until you get your style. Maybe watch people doing them lots, then replicat or something.

Elliot O said:
Thanks Jacko
Point taken, I'll try to get out today
i went through what you are doing now a few weeks ago.
i used to squat and grab between my legs.
everyone told me this was bad and to put my leg flat. this is hard but i am finding that after a few sessions you get used to it and it does feel more stable. when you squat and grab the deck you are pulling it up and this can cause the board to flip out.
getting your leg flat made me hurt but i still tried to angle it and grab over my shin. good luck.

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