ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Lets get an ASRA newsletter out there promoting our sport/lifestyle, upcoming events, Bathurst 09!!!!! We have a nationwide team of distributors/asra members to drop it of to skate,surf,outdoor,music stores etc ...


What would people like too see in it?????

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i think posters should be the first priority as they are a great advertising tool and easy/cheap to make and distribute. we should have dedicated distributors in each state posting them in various public places and giving them to surf and skate stores.

how will all this be funded? is there anything we can do to help get it off the ground? maybe an online ASRA donation bin? i know we have talked about yearly paid ASRA memberships before, but maybe this could be a way of making that idea work. we pay for a "premium" membership, which includes the newsletter/posters and other merchandise.
im pretty sure that if every site member was a paid up asra member, it would make it easier, as for hill reviews, i wouldn't be letting any more "cats out of the bag"
Yea I think hill reviews is not the best idea. That has bitten us on the ass before. I would pay to become a "primo" member. I seem to rememvber though at MOTH, registration was $15 except foir ASRA members wo were $10. This makes me think that we can already become "primo" members. I think at the moment I am an ASRA user, not an ASRA member.
you should only do reviews on legal hills...the cops come out when we were skating on an unmarked road last week and told us to keep to the road rules so we arent outlawed yet..keep the big hills in the bag but let guys know where they can skate without getting busted
great thread mic and all the posted great team work guys!! good to see all of you wanting to chip in. Early Would love to do an add in the next issue the first one was great mic, need to get the distribution massive too so all sports shops can get hold of it some towns don't even have skate or surf/ snow shops.
has there already been the first one,?never seen or heard about it,where can we see it?
Keep it short and sweet.
Loads of pics and links.
I'm Gen X and my span of attention ran out long before I even bothered to read every post in this thread.
Gen "Y-bother" would find it hard to finish the title before a new social network group popped up.

but where?
there hasnt been a first one yet, I recently experimented with my own poster/newsletter for fun 1000 copies A3 doublesided, Poster shot one side to grab attention , newsletter the other. I m not really web design orientated so I ve been a bit slack gettting around to setting up the site. This is more something I can cover any section of skating with and blatantly self promote my own photography.
The ASRA newsletter is something I was hoping ASRA might form/select a small volunteer group to produce and promote the sport/lyfestyle. The downhill communitys view/stories/etc not my personal view.
KISS and low budget , A4 size so shops take it and people still notice it to pick up.
Could be as simple as a black & white photocopied newsletter to get going ,add some advertising money if theres any out there along the way and grow it into something better.
hey mic, been meaning to touch base with you, hectic at uni etc....let me know how i can help you out mate.

giv'z a call or drop me a line if i don't get to you first!

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