ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

A couple of years ago a mate broke his wrist when he fell skating down the footpath at low speed. He is a pharmacist and was in pain and without proper use of his hand for many months - not good for his job!. He still does not have 100% flexibility.

Seeing him suffering emphasised the importance of a wrist guard. Since then I have always tried to wear them especially in my new obsession of being an old grom at downhill. 

I have a few of questions -

1. Are slide gloves enough for wrist protection or ideally should you wear both?

2. Would have slide gloves given my friend enough protection to save the broken wrist?

3. If both are a good idea, does anyone know a good wrist guard that can slide gloves can be worn over?

Since my son stole the slide gloves I made, I have been wearing rigger gloves with wrist guards over and small slippery dips on the wrist guard brace. It has worked well actually but I would prefer the wrist guards inside the gloves but maybe its all overkill. 

What do you think?

Tags: glove, slide, wristguard

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I have broken my left wrist once, and my right twice in various extreme sports, and then also when I had my first stab at bombing 6 years ago, I shattered everything in my wrist from my knuckles to 15cm up from my hand. resulting in a long surgery extreme loss of movement, metal in my arm still, and 3 months off work. this was before I knew about slide gloves. my wrists are both quite tender, they jar very easily, and ache for days if I do the wrong thing by them. this makes me feel qualified to comment on the matter.


I skate just with slide gloves, they stop the vast majority of the jarring action that happens when your hand hits the ground at speed, I believe the lower friction of your pucks is enough to protect your wrist in the majority of situations, because you no longer have the shock of your joint dealing with your hand meeting the ground at whatever speed you maybe travelling at.


also from my time snowboarding, I have heard many experienced instructors warn people off of wearing wrist guards, they seem to think people break their arms more often when wearing them.


to conclude, in my humble opinion, wrist guards are often more trouble than they are worth, and slide gloves are more than enough to make me feel safe with my wrists.

I think if you have slide gloves you don't need wrist guards. When your hands stick they transmit a lot of force, but when they slide they don't.

The exception is bowl skating, or any fall where you have no forward momentum, but are simply falling straight down. Without forward momentum your hand won't slide, and your wrist takes a lot of the impact. But those sorts of falls are naturally very rare in downhill.

I have seen some wrists broken both with and without Wrist guards and IMHO these injuries would have occurred anyway, but perhaps were minimised by the use of a guard. After nine Years as a St John Ambulance Officer seen a few things regarding sports injuries.

Personally I HATE them but in saying that if your going to potentially break any one the 8 bones in your wrist you are just as likely to have a fracture either with or without, wearing a QUALITY Wristdand not some of the rubbish I have seen around, WILL prevent an over extension situation which can be far more painful and have a much longer recovery time than having a break in the wrist.

Your Call people.
i broke my wrist wearing slide gloves, its all about how you hit the ground

look at these richard ....these are dirt surfer gloves with astro slide puck i made into slide glovessee how its straight then shoots off in sort of 45 degree angle .....thats plastic bit inside the glove under the velcro it sits on top of your wrist once its done up ....there was also another one for your palm but i had to move that for the puck

these goves are pretty sic i reakon i picked em up off ebay with a board ....but the fully open up if u want to sow velcro there or what ever i stuck mine then used em in the wet the got a bit trashed so i contacted the velcro too them

when my hand it out straight the ends sticks up cuz of the plastic strip

and when my hand is the position as if i am sliding it goes down .....and yeah it feels like my wrist is stronger like it wont let you take your hand back to 90 degrees yeah i think they would offer some protection


but yeah if u want some they are DIRT SURFER gloves i got these 2nd hand so yeah then you gotta whack some puck on 

but the palm and all under sides are leather the top part of the fingers are some other sort of heavy duty material that will not rip easy the worst bit is the top part of the thumb its like normal glove but seems to be double layerd so hopefully cuz its on the top it wont get ripped or ware .........i think they are tops and are the best slide gloves i have made i think they are as good if not better than loaded / landyachtz slide gloves....i have loaded gloves too i have seen and felt landyachtz gloves but i didnt use them ....


phill do you think the strip would help people like you with bad wrists


and mozz what do u think is this rubbish wrist guard


and nick bugs and richard what do u think nick could these have saved you or youe mate richard



good find, ill keep em in mind when i thrash my current gloves
i think if you want these gloves you might need to get them from the states .....i have never seen dirtsurfers for sale in a shop in aus only 2nd hand
thanks for the info and photos Blake and everyone else for your input. I have been looking for something with the brace on the top so I will check them out - and Phil I think  you are qualified also!

some of the lower value  snow goer type ones are my favorite hate.  There are made for learner snowboarder's but in all honesty they can cause issues rather than help prevent them.


I was given a set but stripped and rebuiolt them for the eldest by removing the plastic spine and replacing it with a tempered piece of 6061 Alloy sheet 40 mm wide and the bump that goes over the heel of the hand was where I mounted the puck .,


Very similar fashion to the Dirt Surfer version above.


gold! good find beet

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