ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

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how does the board go with no concave? can you lock your feet into the front and back sections?
Owen said:
how does the board go with no concave? can you lock your feet into the front and back sections?
it has plenty of concave ! 11mm
making some carbon pans tonight
I meant the new three peice, which looks flat.
i cant wait to ride it !!!

Owen said:
I meant the new three peice, which looks flat.

the 3 peice has 11mm concave aswell
the photo is deceiving , i'll take a profile shot for you

now I see. will you be doing wedged nose and tail sections as well?
yes i will !
they are still a week or two away
more than one use for a bit of jonnie walker ay

dave k said:

Jim beam , johny isn't strong enough for this deck . lol
Hi Dave,
It's about power/weight ratio and weight/stability ratio.
I figure with a slalom deck the lighter the better for turning through the cones,
lighter means the setup has less inertia, so its easier to change its direction.

Power/Weight/stability with a speed/downhill deck.
Big and heavy sticks to the road, what happens when you start making them lighter and lighter?
Is there a minimum weight needed to rettain stability? Picture a offshore jet boat flippin.
(or do i just eat another pie to make the weight up? will there be handicapping at Newtons based on my weight).



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