ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

ok it either between the rayne demonseed
or the landyatchz evo which my bro has and i have ridden, and it goes alrite.

could u list like the pros and cons or what u have experience with and suggestions will be taking

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congrats on the board dude, your gonna like that set-up.
cool as kyle. get out there and ride it. lid on your head. gloves on your hands.
If you're on a tight budget I can hook you up with some cheap slide gloves.
lemme know soon cause I'm in the process of moving and will pack up all the stuff from my garage sometime this week.
yeh i probably get some off u arund may cause i get my parnets to get some for my birthday
JudgeK said:
Is this one of those never ending saga like threads that go on n on n on n on.

Buy one ride it, don't like it buy another, so on and so forth, then you will have a quiver, then you become a gear whore and in no time will be master of the universe and father children at 20km, to particularly needy women with unfeasibly large lips and no money. Good luck and ride hard......
JudgeK for PM
With the demonseed you can invite the crew over for Devonshire Tea

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