ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

ok it either between the rayne demonseed
or the landyatchz evo which my bro has and i have ridden, and it goes alrite.

could u list like the pros and cons or what u have experience with and suggestions will be taking

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If you're tall with long legs, get the Demonseed. If your average/short it doesn't matter so much.

What trucks do you have to put on it? The Evo has built-in truck-wedging and the Demonseed doesn't, so they suit different trucks.
oh yeah my height is just under 6 foot but thats just a rough judge by a bro
Go the FSU !!!!
what ever board is cheapest... you will like what you get, trust me.

just ride your board
ok fsu??? i have heard that a few people have found the evo more stabiler and they feel more confident on it. i am not sure why but. cause i have ridden the evo and it feels great but i am not sure on the demonseed could someone help
People have their own style and preference, they feel comfortable and stable on it because its a downhill board and thats what its designed to do. In theory the Demonseed should be more stable because not only is it drop through it has a lowered platform too, but then again it comes down to what you feel comfortable on. If you wanna go with something youve already ridden and feel good on then go for the Evo, if you want to try something different and try a different style of riding go for the demonseed.

Choosing a board should be made by the person wanting the board, not by people telling them which board to get. The only help your gonna find useful is when you actually ride the board and find out how it feels, not by someone telling you how they handle...
ok just had another look the nemises looks pretty good is it a worthwhile board to get?
they are all good boards dude. jacko is right, your not going to notice any difference unless you have all 3 boards and you can really push the limits on them. you learn to use the board you have to its best capabilities, which means no board is going to hinder your learning with in reason. you won't be held back if you choose the evo over the nemises or the dseed over the evo etc. once you have perfected your skills on one board, you may want hone your skills on another type of deck that has completely different characteristics. but that won't come for a long time (atleast a year).
i know it sounds stupid, but just get the one you think looks the coolest. you will love it no matter what.
Scotto is selling his project speedboards for $80 each! Look in marketplace.
Grab yourself a bargain and a quality lowered speedboard at the same time.
fucken eh judge i like your style...

i rekon when these boring threads start we should have it so when at least 5 people say "get rid of this boring crap" bugs should delete the thread, thus ending an ongoing bore session
ok this is my setup that i have got off ur tips and some of my general knowledge.
landyatchz evo
Randal R-II 180mm 35*/50*
Retro BigZigs 75mm - 80a
Bones reds

pls suggest if any thing is needed and this is all from hopkins.
i suggest stop talking about it and do it... far out...

Hopkin is out of stock of Evo's at the moment

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