ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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so weather looks okish so skating is on form 5ish till later I will probably finish around 7 as light will be an issue
Hey guys I'm new n I'm a bit young so I can't drive let me know bout sedges in omally

Henry King said:
hey man, i cant do tonight. keen for wednesday
cool dude, we had a sesh this evening, just keep an eyeout on this thread for details. i'm keen for some anslie ditch this weekend, anyone else in?
sure as long as it's on sunday.

Henry King said:
cool dude, we had a sesh this evening, just keep an eyeout on this thread for details. i'm keen for some anslie ditch this weekend, anyone else in?
First weekend in town for 5 weeks.
Give me a call Henry if your going to Anslie
Should post up on Cherlie if its on as the Cross boys might want a go at it.

Henry King said:
cool dude, we had a sesh this evening, just keep an eyeout on this thread for details. i'm keen for some anslie ditch this weekend, anyone else in?
i cant do sunday, have a party for my girl, looks like it's gonna be saturday....
saturday, out of town fast runs.

thats all I'm going to say we need to get fast again.
okay, start early at blacko head out to discovery and apollo. for you guys who want to go a bit faster, discovery drive is perfect, really smooth and pretty straight, you should all come! there's a vid of jacko doing discovery drive, search the vids. we can get lukes leathers if you want a bit more protection.
this is a perfect next step up from omalley to get you guys ready for hills like blacko, you'll love it!
Does anyone know the name of the streets you guys skate in O'Malley, and/or a street near the drains in ainslie?
the anslie drains are up the road from dickson college, not sure where we skate in o'malley, the new part, it's all skateable!
Usually around the bottom of Dalman cres in omally.
Yeah i'd be keen on discovery, just saw the vid and it looks awsome. how long does it take to get out there?
it's about a half hour, it's the road to the tracking station, there's a few good runs out there. we can all car pool, should get roscoe to come as well...

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