ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Ok, I am 3 days late, sorry. I thjought Grits was doing this and he thought I was. So, registration opens at 11pm tomorrow (Qld Time) 4th January. Do not try to register before then or we will send your cash back.

BtB10 will be held on the weekend of May 15th and 16th 2010 on Mt Stuart Townsville, it will be the same format as last year. It will be a FREERIDE NOT A RACE and anyone found racing will be removed from the hill and not allowed to run again. Those who attended BtB09 will tell you what a great weekend of riding it was and I bet they will be on the buzzer to register..

There will be a maximum of 60 riders and the first 60 people to pay the $100 registration fee will be in. There will be no extensions, last year we were still waiting for rego fees on the morning of the Slalom (Sunday)!

The Super Giant Slalom race will be held again in conjunction with the event and it will be a leg of the Conehead Cup, ASRA fees will apply to the slalom and are not included in the BtB registration fee.

OK, so what do you do now?

1. Deposit $100 into the BtB account: Westpac Aitkenvale
BSB Number 034 212
Account Number 349808
Name: Beat the Bastard
Make sure you include your name or phone number, or some way of us identifying you.

2. Send an e-mail to letting us know you have deposited your rego fee and how it is identified as you. Make sure you use an e-mail address we can contact you on as this is where your rego forms will be sent if you are successful in registering.

3. As soon as you get your registration forms, complete them and get them back to us asap.

4. Come to Townsville in May and have a ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, we have given everyone enough time to find out about the opening of rego. Let the fun begin.



Tags: BtB10, Freeride, Mt, Stuart

Views: 92

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None, rego doesn't open for another 3 hours.

Joe said:
do you have any idea on how many are registered so far Ado?

... and done!
How fast did you guys fill up the 60 slots last year?
Done!! hope it worked computers playing up!!! should be all good though!
Maybe all the info about protection gear and so on should be added to this discussion for some of the people who did not attend last year!!
yes they were mega Nazis about your leathers and your gear and what not (and all for good cause) so maybe all those things should be brought up ASAP so we dont have the same last min dramas like we did... i.e organzing a whole new suit for someone THE DAY BEFORE we leave
hey, any idea how many spots are still open for rego?
spewin. Danger Bay is definately the 3rd weekend of May... have a good run up there guys
anyone got some links/ vids to previous BTB events?
wouldn't mind seeing what its all about...
shyza bra but hey atleast your goin somwhere rad..

Jacko said:
spewin. Danger Bay is definately the 3rd weekend of May... have a good run up there guys



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