ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

In a major piece of disappointing news, Wollongong City Council has closed Mt. Keira Rd for repairs due to concerns over public safety. The road is in danger of slipping off the edge of the mountain, and the cliff face above the road also needs to be stabilised in order to prevent rock falls. The required road works will not be completed in time for the 2013 Mt. Keira Challenge, and this means that the event will not take place in 2013.

This cancellation is not about the event - it's about the road being closed to the public for repairs. As soon as the road is repaired the event will return. Both ASRA and Wollongong City Council remain totally committed to the Mt. Keira Downhill Challenge.

ASRA has explored the possibility of alternative venues with Wollongong Council, and have concluded that the various options are either not of World Cup standard, or have too many logistical hurdles to be overcome in the short period of time remaining.

Our apologies go to anybody who has made arrangements for the 2013 event. We know this may mess with the plans of many people, and that the notice comes late.

The only positive in this news is that road works should leave Mt. Keira Rd smoother and wider than before. We'll see you there in 2014, and at Newton's Nation in May 2013. 

Views: 2640

Tags: mt keira downhill challenge, wollongong

Premium Member
Comment by Raine Kent on January 3, 2013 at 21:27

Damn, but I guess more people will be in one place at Newtons.

Comment by Connor FitzGerald on January 3, 2013 at 21:27

Bulli pass would be a pretty insane race?

Premium Member
Comment by Ching on January 3, 2013 at 22:56

no :(

ASRA Admin
Comment by bernie on January 4, 2013 at 12:30

Looks like council is investing for the future.

Might be an idea to see if you can get any input into final designs.

Ie expanded pedestrian access to viewing areas, safe run-off areas, and if they are considering Armco barriers, make sure they go all the way to ground level to prevent slide-under risk.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on January 4, 2013 at 12:43

Good ideas Bernie. I'm not sure how much sway we have though - the "Events" part of the Council probably has little contact with the "Roads" part, and the Roads people are notoriously insular. We'll see.

Premium Member
Comment by Grits on January 4, 2013 at 22:28

Definitely full height armco barriers would be a benefit to both downhill and motorcycle.
Look forward to 2014. 
Word going around is bathurst is getting resurfaced as well, will that have any impact on newtons at all?

Premium Member
Comment by Rob Mcwhinnie on January 5, 2013 at 10:25

@ conner, bulli is tame compared to keira hey, theres only 2 corners and they are both left, Mac Pass is another matter.

shit happens guys and there no chance of a replacement event for the IDF Aussie leg then we should just stoking out on Bathurst, its a big bad ass of a hill and test top riders like non other. im already pumped, its so awesome to see groms shitting there pants and amatures pushing there limits and goin faster then ever.

there will be an outlaw event on the same weekend as keira was, we have friends from OS who have allready booked tickets so why not give em something to do. WWW hill is a good option, muhahaha, not pump station!!!!!

Premium Member
Comment by Jacko on January 6, 2013 at 12:26

we will either to another k-valley outlaw or a WWW either lithgow or benny's new hill. OUTLAW MADNESS!!

Comment by Ben freifeld on January 6, 2013 at 20:44

What about asquith st austinmer 2515?

reminds me of a cross between marryhill and The graveyard call.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on January 6, 2013 at 20:58

Ben, look at all the houses on that street. You'd have to get every resident on board, and find a way to provide them access in and out of their homes during the three days of the race.

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