ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

  • 31
  • Adelaide, SA
  • Australia
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  • Nick Bart
  • Will Swale
  • jackson
  • matty leadfoot
  • Joel
  • Jonty
  • Duff
  • nick
  • Bowditch
  • leighgriffiths
  • Jacko

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nedd0's Discussions

corian pucks
16 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by nedd0 Jun 10, 2009.

GFH boards
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Conor Apr 23, 2009.

2nd hand wheels?
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Alex Groth Feb 28, 2009.


nedd0's Page

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Slalom, Downhill, Classic Luge

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At 16:37 on September 23, 2009, matty leadfoot said…
JudgeK knows one near Salisbury, there is also one at Marion. (top of Sturt Creek??)
Personally they are both a bit rough.
Try the skatepark bowl near Paradise Community Church. It has a roll in and a great curved transition. Better than the ditches I know of.
At 23:45 on September 18, 2009, leighgriffiths said…
sorry, i always read comments and stuff on my page, get distracted and then forget reply. i personally don't know of any ditches in Adelaide. the best person to ask would be Matty or JudgeK
At 23:32 on June 3, 2009, leighgriffiths said…
depends on the carpark dude. most close around midnight, so if your happy to get there at about 11:45 and like you said jam the door and wait for it to close then go for it. but we never get to do that cos people generally have stuff on early next day. the Target carpark is good for that though, cos it closes at 10 on weekdays and you won't need to jam the door. just get in before it closes and you'll be sweet for the night.
At 20:19 on June 3, 2009, Will Swale said…
hey ned how u goin mate !
At 21:07 on May 25, 2009, leighgriffiths said…
i've only used them once (nicko has one puck) and that was in the rain. they slide amazingly, but they feel rough under the hand and i'm not sure, but might be a bit too slippery in the dry. you might have to test em out yourself.
i suggest you try beveling the a bit to get rid of the edges and i always prefer velcro for pucks. ask nicko about the velcro, cos thats what he used on his.
At 20:43 on May 25, 2009, jackson said…
alright will do bro
At 14:04 on April 25, 2009, nick said…
fair enough. I could drop to maybe 60 tops but is he aware that bones reds cost 25 bucks anywhere in adelaide...
At 18:02 on April 24, 2009, nick said…
how does 70 sound?
At 14:27 on April 24, 2009,
Premium Member
its not a hard road dude. actually it seems quite easy. your just going straight, and you probs will be lucky to hit 100k's on it really... 3k's at 11% on a straight road, all you need to do is hang on till u get to the bottom... remember speed wobbles are a state of mind
At 11:46 on April 24, 2009,
Premium Member
of course i will... will you follow me down if i do?


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