ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Davin Gemmell
  • Male
  • Petrie, qld
  • Australia
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Davin Gemmell's Friends

  • Jayden Healion
  • Rachael Lebrun
  • James Bond
  • Ethen Luwahki Barsby
  • Pete00
  • Matty Stoked Grom Vines
  • Lucas Ball
  • little1mungi
  • Connor Ferguson
  • Aidan Heijnen
  • Ned
  • Max Heaton
  • Philip and Hugh
  • Matt Ryan
  • Millzy Makenzie

Davin Gemmell's Groups

Davin Gemmell's Discussions

The Popularity of Longboarding
10 Replies

I don't know if NN has much of an effect on this or if it's just a perfect sign of how fast this sport has taken off, but today thru work, i received 12 tonne of Sector 9 longboards and by the look…Click here for the full story

Started this discussion. Last reply by Col Mar 22, 2011.


Davin Gemmell's Page

Profile Information

What type of racing do you like?
Downhill, Flatland

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 0:17 on December 16, 2011, Max Heaton said…
i wish! i was stuck at work all day! havent skated yet, dont own any trucks, still waiting on them to arrive
At 20:07 on November 14, 2011, Jayden Healion said…

hey davin 

i havnt heard from you in ages

how are you going?

At 11:13 on June 27, 2011, Odiwan said…
Cheers Davin, definitely let me know next time your down this way. Have fun skating with the kids!
At 17:20 on May 9, 2011, Pete00 said…


Hey Davin, sorry i didnt write down your email. How i  made it: i just bought a cheap $5 broom handle from Bunnings. Its fairly thin and light so it fits in your hand alright with pucks. I bought the go pro roll bar mount which you can see here:

seeing the bar was too thin for the size of the roll bar mount, i just used duct tape and wrapped it a bunch of times to make that part of the bar a bit thicker. I sawed it off a little and made it about an arms length + a forearm in length.  Seeing it was a thin aluminium it was a little slippery on its own with gloves and pucks so i bought some tennis racket grip from Rebel Sport and wrapped it at the other end. and thats it.


At 21:46 on April 12, 2011, Aidan Heijnen said…


yea that sounds realy good but im not organising the race, talk to alister about it.


At 6:20 on April 5, 2011, Sakamoto said…

Hi Davin, my email is drop me an email and I can go into greater detail with you. Also, my mobile is 0423053507.



At 8:34 on February 17, 2011,
Premium Member
Stephen Daddow
I do custom art for a extry $30. Anything you want. The SIC CLINT were presents to Jamie and Pokey. I can't sell that art, but you can send anything you want even a pic of you if you like. Website will be up soon and art for the boards will be different and set.


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