Not sure if I can make it as I hadn't seen any definate plans for Sunday so I thought it would be the 26th and I may have a family day out. if I am free will jump on train. Time and location?
Elvis Knievel lives! Good timing - you caught me watching cdstv and thinking if it would be possible to incorporate/embed it into the ASRA site and if so what would be the best way, and what Braden would think about it. So, thoughts?
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ASRA Adminbernie said…
see lennox head outlaw event.
Premium MemberDaniel Monaghan said…
Not sure if I can make it as I hadn't seen any definate plans for Sunday so I thought it would be the 26th and I may have a family day out. if I am free will jump on train. Time and location?
Premium MemberDaniel Monaghan said…
any thoughts on next slalom for Melbourne?
And gimme all your old slalom bits and peices, especially the COG( inserts joking emoticon)
ASRA AdminBugs said…
And it's also here:
ASRA AdminBugs said…