ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Sydney downhill does not exist. No one skates down mountain roads. Everyone here sticks to the suburbs and local bombs. There are no good downhill runs in sydney. Everything is flat.

Please do not ask where to go skateboarding, because we dont know. We dont actually skate in sydney, we all ride scooters...

...Nek Minit

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you can borrow my voodoo doll ;)

Trav said:
as much as I'd love to join the ranks of the Rayne army.... i've already ordered my custom deck (i'm calling it the Rad Trav model) from Fat Pigeon longboards :) just gotta wait a few weeks for it to be built... then i'm back! (unless I can borrow a DH deck in the meantime)
Is this the Fat Pigeon deck your getting, you could call it the Travmesis

We could end up as same deck brothers

Don't worry Trav everybody ends up on a Rayne whether they think they are or not.

Trav said:
as much as I'd love to join the ranks of the Rayne army.... i've already ordered my custom deck (i'm calling it the Rad Trav model) from Fat Pigeon longboards :) just gotta wait a few weeks for it to be built... then i'm back! (unless I can borrow a DH deck in the meantime)
haha not quite... you'll just have to be patient and see Robbo ;)
haha the travmesis!

that deck if styled on any rayne deck at all it would be the demonseed. Its about a kilometre longer than the nemesis.

Robbo said:
Is this the Fat Pigeon deck your getting, you could call it the Travmesis

We could end up as same deck brothers

Don't worry Trav everybody ends up on a Rayne whether they think they are or not.

Trav said:
as much as I'd love to join the ranks of the Rayne army.... i've already ordered my custom deck (i'm calling it the Rad Trav model) from Fat Pigeon longboards :) just gotta wait a few weeks for it to be built... then i'm back! (unless I can borrow a DH deck in the meantime)
looks symmetrical though.... best of both worlds ,)
If you guys are hitting it this week I would love to join! I got down to Sydney like 10 days ago :P
I'm out for this week but next week is a go
This week was a sickgnar session.
Benbro, Kam and myself shredded 2 new hills up central coast way, and then went down to murrays and bombed the shit out of that for a while, we would have kept shredding but the cops moved us along.
Footage from all three runs will be up soon.
Next thursday, Mt Kiera, I think it might be Robs last session with us, SO GET OFF YOUR ARSE AND PREPARE FOR SOME GNAR!
i think i might have found a new run.
its in north ryde/lane cove/west lindfield, its kinda in lane cove NP.
its riverside rd
and its just been resurfaced.(when u drive by the start is brand new)
i drive past it every day and just thought it might be ok.
from google earth/maps it looks like a pretty sick run, but as of speeds i have no idea.
the rd looks good but the grade looks like it drops off fairly quickly. How long does it go DH for?
i have no idea robbo sorry.
wen u drive past on lane cove rd u can see the first 40 metres of it....
and from that it looks promising.
(possible becoz it was just resurfaced)
but i still recon itd be worth trying it out.
my dad said that it could get a lil busy on weekends becoz of families visiting the NP.
i dunno.
just a suggestion.

Robbo said:
the rd looks good but the grade looks like it drops off fairly quickly. How long does it go DH for?
FUCK YEAH, you guys better let me know if you are goin to do any crazy shit cause im itching super hardcore for some downhill madness. after this week i can pretty much fuck off to sydney whenever i want so let me know whats up!!!

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