ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Hi, Alright so my friend has convinced me to get a longboard to help improve my surfing and i have had a little bit (not alot) of a look around locally ( Geelong/torquay ) but havent found quite what im interested in and was just wondering for some advice on what board, im keen on a hustler, dervish or anything like them but dont want to buy new. I was almost about to buy a vault board but couldnt understand how they can be so cheap, then read a few posts about them which turned me off. if anyone has any boards for sale of just some infomation for me it would be great, i would probly use the board for commuting to school but will definately be riding some hills.i had my heart set on a timeline but after a reading a bit more im not sure its right for me. Uhh well the only other thing i can think of now is im not lookin anything over 40" long, im around 75 kgs and i want to slide :) that about it.
Cheers George

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Best bet is to find a local crew in the sessions area of the forum, meet up with them, ask questions, check out what people are riding. Starting new threads is good when you have specific questions, bad when you have really vague/general questions.

There is a whole section of this forum devoted to buying and selling gear. Coincidentally, this is where people are selling longboards. That might answer your question about whether anyone has boards for sale.

Have fun.
Hey George
Join melburn sessions, and ask about gear there and if anyone has a setup for sale because they most likely do. An alright setup to get is some form Sector 9, and are very common in surf shops down there, and don't buy a globe longboard, they're awful.
yeah, if you can get your hands on something like a sector 9 trilam or something they are very nice boards (i own one and its sick) (Platnum series i think it is) there should be some stuff someone is selling soon, someone is always selling something in melbourne sessions
what's your budget like?

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