ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

the many ppl who praise seismics have convinced me to check them for myself.

i'm wanting to get a seismic back truck for a slalom/ldp setup...i'm approx 65kg/140pound.

what colour springs would work best for me & do u think 105 or 130 a better choice?

i've read that some prefer harder, some softer, there a happy medium?

i was about to order a back truck but it became obvious i'm not informed enough.

if anyone has experience w' seismics as back truck for slalom/ldp any info' much appreciated.



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super soft front, med/hard back is a general rule

I reckon they're a great rear truck for slalom, but shithouse as a front truck for slalom.

The rear will work much like a precision reverse king pin, and nice and dead (30 deg). The different feeling of springs compared to bushings isn't very noticeable when you've only got springs on the rear truck. With springs on both it's too much rebound to be able to control (at least in slalom), and the front seismic doesn't have enough twitchiness for slalom.

Seismic front and back would be OK for LDP, but you'd want to wedge the front truck to get it turnier, and put really soft springs in it, to account for the wedging not giving you much leverage over it. But for LDP it'd probably make more sense to go with a Bennett (or similar) up front.

But for slalom, just go with the spring recommendations on the seismic website - they're about right, and the trucks have quite a bit of adjustment anyway - similar to the way you can crank down on a bushing.

all i can say is your going to love them for LDP, i ran rather soft ones in the ultraskate we had down here and it was nice towards the early morning part of it when i was really hitting the wall, at the start they where kinda soft though so it all depends on how long you plan on going

I ride the 105mm with yellow springs tightened up (I think the new ones are light blue) for slalom, I'm no speedster but it seems to work OK for me.  I think I'm about 85kg but I never weigh myself.    I have used harder springs for pumping medium distance but over a long distance that could become hard work however since you run fairly hard for slalom it sounds like you have a fairly strong pump .  For LDP the narrower truck would be better, a wider truck will require you to put more effort into your pump.  You will probably want a couple of sets of springs to experiment with and mess around with different pumping rhythms and foot placement. 

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