ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

SECTOR 9 SCARAB 4 SALE $200 can bargain down to $150

Used sector9 scarab complete with deck, gulwing chargers and some standard wheels, the usuall wear and tear but bearings may need replacing. I've used it 2 bomb the hills at my place and hav hit around 60 on it no prbs. im willing 2 let it go 4 around $150 but check out the pics (once their up) and c if u reckon other wise.
If ur interested reply back to me and ill give u some details on when and where 2 pick it up or if u live in brisbane, i 'might' b able 2 meet up with u some where else.

Tags: for, longboards, sale

Views: 300


Replies to This Discussion

That's a bargain, mate!
That thing cost you close to 400 didn't it?
I think so, actually its pretty good nick except 4 that scratch when it fell down the drain but yeah i wasnt sure wat price to set it on i was thinking $200 but that sounded 2 much 4 a second hand board.meh wat can i say I'm just generous ;)
BTW everyone the pics r now up so u can hav a look

How long is that?
arnt they like 38-40 inch...
its 101cm so a bit over 39 inch
alright everone i ve got someone who is willing to pay $200 4 it last chance to grab it b4 it sells tell me the price ur willing to pay and ill start a bid 4 it.
alright everyone looks like the board has sold

Hamish Paterson said:
alright everyone looks like the board has sold
High fives all round!
Oh dear... am I stoked...
yeah i kno im also stoked didnt think i'll b able 2 sell it so fast or that any 1 would whant it



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