ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

hi guys

just letting you all know i will be stocking the new Vector M-5 helmets. to celebrate my new stock i will be selling 10 helmets for only $200. this includes postage.

this is a huge saving considering the $229 and $249 normal price tag.

that's right you get a brand new Vector M-5 for only $200 nothing else to spend. this includes the carbon helmets. i will even throw in a free set of FUKKEN GNAR slide pucks.

here's the deal.

- this is for pre-orders.

- i will only be doing this for 10 helmets. after that it's back to RRP.

- this offer is only valid IF. at least 6 people take the offer. if i get less than 6 orders i will not be going ahead with the deal.

Due to lack of stock the white helmets will not be included in this offer.

the first buyers will be listed in this forum thread.

this offer is only for Australian residents. no one overseas allowed sorry. 

if you have any questions feel free to list them here. payment in full will be required once all orders are filled.

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Thanks Daz.

Let me know when you have the green light.

I should be good by then.

Sorry but i'm not sure, PC are you buying the last helmet within the $200 deal or are you going to wait? If not, I would like a carbon with a mirror visor, size large. That's if PC isn't buying one whilst the offer is still on.

I don't have the $ right now.

Happy to wait till I do.

You grab it for sure Brad.

Thanks man, Yeah so i'll get a Carbon with a mirror visor, in a size large thanks, if that's possible

helmet order tally = 0 left at $200 price

x1 carbon helmet with smoke visor - Uncle Dave Cameron

x1 carbon helmet with clear visor (m) - Seb B

x1 Black helmet with mirror visor (L) - Maurie King

x1 carbon helmet with smoke visor (L) - Kelly Carter

x1 Black helmet with smoke visor (L) - Kay Smith

x1 carbon helmet with smoke visor (m) - Gabe

x1 black helmet with clear visor (m) - Caleb Morgan

x1 black helmet with  smoke visor (L) - Cameron Dixon

x1 Black helmet with smoke visor (m) - Ashley Armitage 

x1 carbon helmet with mirror visor (L) - Bradley Clarke

all ten helmets for the $200 offer are now taken,  this does not mean no more helmets are available it just means that if you want a helmet now you will have to pay the RRP. i am still taking orders for helmets for this shipment so if you keen let me know.

for those of you who have ordered helmets i will be contacting you soon with payment details. as soon as all money has been collected i will be ordering the helmets.

thanks again for ordering with me guys.

ok guys i have sent off payment details for the helmets. once everyone has paid i can send the orders off. 

if you have not received the payment details i sent out please email me at and i will send them to you. please use your name as reference in payment.

thanks again guys.

hey again guys sorry i noticed a misspelling on my name for payment it's "Darryl" not "Darry". though it is a time saver.

Hey puys 

just letting you know that those of you who have not yet paid have until friday 26th Oct. that's this friday, to have the money in my account. if you have not paid by this friday your order will be void. in other words you will have to pay full price like everyone else. 

anyone else wanting to order helmets? i am still taking orders if you would like to get a new VECTOR M-5. unfortunately white is still out of stock at the factory.

thanks again

Got me down as paid?

probably u can list down those who haven paid.

you two are fine guys. there are four who have not yet paid. they know who they are and will be contacted by me. 


hey sorry for delay, was waiting on pay, will pay you tonight.

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