ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Does anyone have a single Indy 215 for sale, I dont care how beat up it is so long as the axles are straight. Ive been using a friends as a back truck for dh and it feels amazing.
I might consider pairs as well, but only if there are no single trucks on offer.

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Once you get a taste for 200+ wide hangers for DH there's no going back dude. Just mind the back wheel when you push.
mmm no joke, footbraking as well. The indys feel so different as well, in a good way.
Indy back truck eh?
You might be fishing on the wrong forum. Probably have better luck with the old school skaters on
Indy 215 is a much loved and used truck over there.
Thanks. Its dewedged with a crail on the front.
ive been meaning to try a de-wedged indy truck at the back as well
is it really as good as silverfish claims haha?
Lol, i was mega doubtful at the beginning as well. Because of the way that the Indy works compared do a reverse kingpin, you can really crank down on that back foot in a tuck and the back kinda swings out a bit, it somehow tracks much better as well.
lol, Do you want to go havles in a set?
I think Ado at cre8ive sk8 sells them individually about $60 ea, I bought 3 for my luge so I'd say he does.
Thanks dude, I'll give him a buzz.



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