ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

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WHAT ARHHHHHH!!!!!! YOU SAID 6PM in your post above in Brisbane. Arghhhhhh i want to kill you. now i missed all the good stuff. arghhhhh rage,

Isaac said:
Strange... got to the sale late (2 and a half hours) and no bargains were up... now nearly 5 hours late and there's some good bargains up!
Lots of demonseeds...
Haven't seen any avengers or nemesis... :(
What the shit?
Yeah that's what I copied from the time converter, which I read incorectly and thought it was am, so I woke up today and have been checking hour by hour to see when they pop up.
If it's 6pm even better!
That's probably better, and there might be even more stuff to come out along the day.
But dude, don't chuck a hissy, you good of done your own research on the times...

Edit: Judging on the Rayne thread on this (on 'fish), it doesn't seem you missed ANYTHING
Isaac Naumann said:
WHAT ARHHHHHH!!!!!! YOU SAID 6PM in your post above in Brisbane. Arghhhhhh i want to kill you. now i missed all the good stuff. arghhhhh rage,
Isaac said:
Strange... got to the sale late (2 and a half hours) and no bargains were up... now nearly 5 hours late and there's some good bargains up!
Lots of demonseeds...
Haven't seen any avengers or nemesis... :(
Looks like they are starting the 'full' sale at 7/6pm and just putting up some teasers now. Hopefully. Fair to say I shat myself.
i hope they put up either a killswitch or avenger....this is the best day EVER! and yes i also nearly shat myself.
sorry. that was more of a lol rage. i didnt mean it.

Isaac said:
What the shit?
Yeah that's what I copied from the time converter, which I read incorectly and thought it was am, so I woke up today and have been checking hour by hour to see when they pop up.
If it's 6pm even better!
That's probably better, and there might be even more stuff to come out along the day.
But dude, don't chuck a hissy, you good of done your own research on the times...

Edit: Judging on the Rayne thread on this (on 'fish), it doesn't seem you missed ANYTHING
Isaac Naumann said:
WHAT ARHHHHHH!!!!!! YOU SAID 6PM in your post above in Brisbane. Arghhhhhh i want to kill you. now i missed all the good stuff. arghhhhh rage,
Isaac said:
Strange... got to the sale late (2 and a half hours) and no bargains were up... now nearly 5 hours late and there's some good bargains up!
Lots of demonseeds...
Haven't seen any avengers or nemesis... :(
I was looking at the sale, and i saw that a killswitch would be maybe be like $100 bucks, similar to the isis. but the deelite boards are like 200 bucks. I reckon someone would be able to get a hellcat graphic demonseed or something for like 60 bucks. the americans and canadians will grab up these deals in a flash, so be ready to be on, right when it starts.

I already got myself a bargain (topmount deelite dseed for $200), but if there is something else for under $100, i might have to get it with leftover chrissy money.

oh, and shipping is only US $43 to Brisbane. so like $50 bucks or so shipping. express is around $70 AUD

Good luck everyone on getting some bargains.
how do i view the items up for grabs is there a special place?
All the boards that are on sale are in with the new boards.

hugh mason said:
how do i view the items up for grabs is there a special place?
also, the sale starts in like 7 minutes. the demonseeds up for sale previously were just the teasers. they are all at least 50%, with discounts of up to 80% coming up soon

Callum Hogg said:
All the boards that are on sale are in with the new boards.

hugh mason said:
how do i view the items up for grabs is there a special place?
same here...nothing new is up
they got rid of the cheap decks
Just be aware that shipping will cost you more than you think. I bought a hustler in last years sale and after you have bought it they tell you you need to pay an extra 25 bucks or so on the original shipping estimate for shipping to australia. Then they will ask you if you still want it.

I think it was a total of about $80 shipping from memory, but with the stronger aussie dollar this should be a bit less

Still good value but not awesome value

Isaac Naumann said:
I was looking at the sale, and i saw that a killswitch would be maybe be like $100 bucks, similar to the isis. but the deelite boards are like 200 bucks. I reckon someone would be able to get a hellcat graphic demonseed or something for like 60 bucks. the americans and canadians will grab up these deals in a flash, so be ready to be on, right when it starts.

I already got myself a bargain (topmount deelite dseed for $200), but if there is something else for under $100, i might have to get it with leftover chrissy money.

oh, and shipping is only US $43 to Brisbane. so like $50 bucks or so shipping. express is around $70 AUD

Good luck everyone on getting some bargains.

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