ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

fairly grom question but im goin to as it anyway coz ive searched this site for an answer and can't find one so will bear 852 trucks be suitable for the Mt Panorama track? or do i need to buy some precision trucks? 

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you do not need to buy precision trucks for newtons. or any other race, but you can if you want to

yeah but i need to know if my bears will be any good for newtons

charlie harris said:

you do not need to buy precision trucks for newtons. or any other race, but you can if you want to

it really depends on you, if your bears wont get you down, then buying precision cut trucks wont help you very much.

loads of guys rode cast trucks the year that I actually made it to newtons, cast trucks are fine so long as you can handle it, precision cut trucks just feel a little better to some people. 

i can handle my bears so ill stick with them

I used cast trucks my first time, and it did me fine.


go and ride a 90 kph hill and see how they go,nothin worse than getting to a big race and realising you cant handle your gear,

tweak your setup til you and your board is solid at those speeds

Bears are great!

i do ride a 90kph down side is it has no bends its just dead straight for 200-300m at a 30 degree angle its fuckin fast
some guy said he tried to keep up and he was doin 80 and he said i was still getting away
Benbro said:

go and ride a 90 kph hill and see how they go,nothin worse than getting to a big race and realising you cant handle your gear,

tweak your setup til you and your board is solid at those speeds

I give anyone whos truely doing 90k on 50* cast trucks an officially certified big fucking balls sticker of achievement, cause yours are way bigger than mine, that shit is sketch.  

not saying it cant be done, I have heard some stories from very reputable sources about a particular ninja that was doin it all the time. but yeah BIG BALLS required.

If i end up doing Newtons next year, it will most likely be on cast trucks....i dont think it makes a difference. As Benbro said, yuou just have to tweak till you feel comfortable at that speed.

I have done it, I have gone over 98ks on 50 degree randals with stock bushing (old yellow ones) which was confirmed, jacko, benbro, pete hill daddow, lesso and a few others were all there. going fast around bends is completely different.

can you buy 40 degree base plates from hopkin?

also on the topic of newtons will a sixsixone evo bmx helmet be sufficient for the igsa officials to let me race?

Owen said:

I have done it, I have gone over 98ks on 50 degree randals with stock bushing (old yellow ones) which was confirmed, jacko, benbro, pete hill daddow, lesso and a few others were all there. going fast around bends is completely different.

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