ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Just wondering if anyone has heard, seen or riden one of these devices?

It looks pretty gnarly from the few vids that I've seen, fun but way hectic!! Apparently snowboarding wihtout the snow?


Check it out.

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don't you mean arsumptions?


sorry. it's all good fun.

Kelly Carter said:

A lot of assumptions there

far out alexander relax dude.....if people want to ride a freebord you dont need to have a go at them for it, especially since he skates too.

freebords are good fun, they are a different ball game to riding a longboard thats for sure and the wheels they make are rad as fuck for freeriding, kinda like a zombie hawg cept with 8mm spacing (which isnt too bad if your gonna ride more then one set) i still love to get on my freebord from time to time, riding manny pads on one is about as close as i get to street skating and i love how fun it is to slap together press's and get abit creative with freestyle on them.

There are a few guys on here who started out on them like i did before getting into longboarding and i gotta say, its a good base to start on, its helped me learn to ride in switch abit because on a freebord you can just float in and out of switch easy as hell.

I think the main problem with the way guys see the sport is they jump on it like its a longboard or a ripstick or something and think 'oh fuck it dont work' and just hate the thing, it takes you a solid day or two of riding before you can start to do anything on them and once you get the basics down like transitioning between carves and slides and being able to overslide to a stop they become really fun.

Thanks for the support beet. Just to let you know that me and all my fellow freeborders like all serious longboarders.. ALWAYS WEAR HELMETS. I totally agree helmets are a must

As for stopping...If you ride a snowboard, it is the same technique and principal. You slide the board around 90 degrees so that you are facing downhill and all the weight on your heel edge. Keep all your weight on your heels and you will come to a screeching halt. The bindings on the board are more like hooks so you can actually jump of if you really need too

beet said:

well said freddie

i am not skate bigoted, we are all riding, pretty much woody bitsa fuckall on wheels..looking for the rush...i wouldnt mind a blast on one of these jiggers..however, i would like to know how do you lot stop , given that the caster wheels still roll in slideways pozzie...?

i do have one critisism tho....all your 'guns' should wear helmets when they tube vids,(might not be yer australian pilots, but its a cultural thing that is easily entrenched in the young)  its the responsible thing ter do .. riding without a lid makes us all look a brick short given the velocities we travel at and where we we get our kicks(bitumen hills) .. hey and i think dreads dont cut it as ideal helmets, and there are lotsa wannabe kids out ther with big balls and little betwixt the ears.. thanks for posting mate..yep. 

yeah as beet said we are all doin the same thing basically - bombing hills and lovin it. it's just that we happen to have a couple extra wheels, so what?  there does seem to be a lot of misinformation out there tho. the perception of being 'strapped in' for one. the bindings don't hold you in, you can jump straight out of them. and the criticism of the freebord pros not wearing helmets was valid until recently. after the death of sam trowbridge (one of the pro team riders) there was a massive change in attitude and you will not find any vids made since then with helmetless riders.


one comment that irked me a bit was jackson shapiera saying he could do better slides without centre wheels. sorry, but no. freebords are designed specifically for sliding, they are all about the slide. skateboards are designed for rolling. sure, you can slide a longboard, but you can't tell me you can do it as slow, silky smooth and effortless as this: some park stuff in there, mainly a good mate of mine at the time with me and my brother (the ginger) and his mate, yeah i kinda realise now that the helmets in the park and not on the hills is kinda backwards
hey there meanis
hahahaha its good seeing some forum heads on here hahaha, ballsofyarn sometimes gets on here too (ian)
ahh i would just like to say that the previous comments were not me so i really am sorry i dont know if my account was hacked or someone at my school knows my password but guys i am really sorry about what this persons said because i actually have ridden a freebord and there all right. any one know who to talk to about account hacks??? this has happened twice know Again i am truely sorry for what this person has said hopefully theyll own up 

ha ha, 'hacker' eh? you sure you werent' just drunk? ;)

i would just like to add that i also love longboarders, especially since yesterday, when a very generous one gave me a complete setup to get started with, complete with otangs. i was gobsmacked. PREESH!


i found out who it was at school today so its all good they apologised to me and i would like to pass on that apology. and Tuure the name thing is something my friends tease me about because my mum came in to school ond day and my best mate called me alex so she absolutely went off at him and lectured him that my name is alexander never been so embarrassed in my entire life and tuure this definately was a hack because i asked the guy to write everything down hes done or knew, he knew my password, all my friends and a couple of messages id sent     
this place is getting more like silverfish every day

Alexander said:
i found out who it was at school today so its all good they apologised to me and i would like to pass on that apology. and Tuure the name thing is something my friends tease me about because my mum came in to school ond day and my best mate called me alex so she absolutely went off at him and lectured him that my name is alexander never been so embarrassed in my entire life and tuure this definately was a hack because i asked the guy to write everything down hes done or knew, he knew my password, all my friends and a couple of messages id sent     



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