ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Might be an interesting topic rather than board, trucks and wheel comparisons.
What your theories people.
Cover it up keep it moist and sterile.
Or let it dry out and keep betadine on it???
Or some wonder spray on skin that heals in a jiffy????

No turning this into a picture gallery forthe biggest road rash.

Who would of thought that the flood would was away the foot path. Ggggggrrrrrrrr. Off to get some dressings from the hospital

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disinfectant then fix-a-mol / me-fix. good shit. leave it covered and when it peels off it's healed.

Usually i just clean the grazes, put some medi honey on them or solosite and have a bandage over them. Change everyday

Although the medihoney draws out the dirt in the wound and weaps a shit load, and smells rotten

Connor Ferguson said:

Usually i just clean the grazes, put some medi honey on them or solosite and have a bandage over them. Change everyday

Fixomull, the Fisio Crem of bandaids.

There's this stuff that my mum used to buy for me (good on ya mum) that was great. It was like this weird sticky gel pad thing that you could stick over the wound and it would suck all the gross crap out and have that shit healed in like a 3 days. Had to put it on like a day after you did it though cause if the wound weeps too much it just absorbs all that . Can't remember what it was called though. If you know a nurse have them liberate some from work for you ;)

Always clean the wound well as soon as possible. A quick run under the tap doesnt cut with road rash as it doesnt kill the stuff deep in there, you need to get in there and remove it. Hot shower with soap and a clean scrubbing brush. Rip into it like its a grease mark.Scrub the graze - rinse - srcub -rinse. Its not as bad as it sounds as the zing from the hot water usually dead'ns the graze pretty good.After this apply any cream or gauze of choice and your laughing infection wise.

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