Hey guys i am wanting to get a 1 piece leather suit(2 piece is optional) as i am starting some Dh and feel that a suit is the way to go.
Also i had a pretty bad crash a couple of weeks ago (bad grazes) and the suit will prevent that from happening again. I have looked on Ebay and stuff but cant find anything (so please dont tell me to go look on ebay if you have a link or are selling one then please tell me) if you know a link or website that sells them second hand or new that would be great. Also any ideas about a good helmet would be much appreciated.
p.s. nothing really expenssive i dont have lots of money.
Just the back aero hump, don't worry they'll know
In motorcycling terms the Aero Hump is all about airflow. There is no advantage to a hump, except aerodynamics. People unkowingly believe it is some type of armour or that it prevents heads from rearward motion or that it protects their back from impacts. They are mistaken. I see no benefit in an Aero Hump in skateboarding, but will listen to any well constructed argument.
See this to understand aerodynamics relative to skateboarding (in lay terms) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cmYG1d5Wbo
or if you are wanting more technical info - this has been posted on ASRA previously. http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1877705810002808/1-s2.0-S1877705810002808-ma...
so can i just remove it my self if i by the motorbike suit or does it have to be done professionally?
Yes visit this for cheap custom made skateboarding suits.
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